Welcome to my humble abode

It seems that my last post prompted quite a few people to think that I had taken complete leave of my senses.  And it’s true. I am a little stressed. I have no words for it so I will allow the pictures to do the talking today.

Please remember as you look through the rubble my pictures, that I am a control freak.   I hate mess and I love my home.

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Now this is not the way the entrance always was, for instance we never had a wheelbarrow as the main point of focus as guests enter the house.  Not even to gather gifts.  I am however thinking of leaving a similar gift receptacle in the finished house.

We also had beautiful arches.  We did not have bits of concrete around the ceiling all jagged and exposed.

This is the entrance to my house, it is not what I would term "inviting"


This gorgeous cell wall is actually the wall of my bedroom.  Are you beginning to understand my trauma?


This is the bathroom – I don’t really think I need to say anything more.


Oh wait – I’ll show you the kitchen



But it’s not all bad. Really.  Look at the very solid and lovely bolts that they have put in place so that the house does not fall apart in the horrific winds and rain that we are experiencing.


And also there is the fact that everything is going according to plan.  Hopefully they don’t knock down the walls the plans are written on.


Seriously.  Now do you understand why I am not completely in my comfort zone?  I know how lucky I am and I really appreciate the fact that the end result will totally outweigh all this angst but if anybody has something that will help me to sleep until October I would really appreciate that.


  1. Annieb25 says

    Enough said. Valium package on its way. xx

  2. No wonder you couldn’t stay there amongst that. Not long and you’ll be in your kitchen cooking away and this will all be a distant memory. Keep us up to date, love a good transformation photo journal. 🙂

  3. I feel your pain. But you will forget it all when it’s all new and lovely! Promise!

  4. A picture paints more than a thousand words in this case – can we come to the housewarming to wash all the angst away at the end? Hang in there – I won’t send Valium as I can’t write scripts, and Annie is sending you some anyway.

  5. Oh my god! No wonder you moved out.

    Good luck!

  6. Reality/other half says

    OMG…I know EXACTLY how you feel. I ordered a new BMW last week, and called back a week later to change the engine size. They told me that it was being put together in Germany and I can’t change it. Now I’m saddled with the wrong engine size for the next 3-5 years!!

    Annie B…can you hook a honky up?


  7. Jesus dude… I’m sure it will be worth it in the end!

  8. “The drugs are quick” Romeo and Juliet. Ok, whilst the reference may be a wee bit tragic, in this case, I think it is absolutely fitting.
    I hope they are in your case.

  9. Dear Ms TS Pencil,
    I wish you Peace & Calm, Peace & Calm……sorry but it’s the only thing I can give you, unless you allow me to be one of those annoying people who wants to ‘see you and raise you’ with a horror story of their own. But hey, if it would improve your sleep patterns on comparison, then it would be my sincere honour to help out, just let me know. And on that note, I think you may have just inspired me to go off and start my own blog. Ta ta, will let you know how that goes….. 😉 x x

  10. I send a big package of love, hugs and vodka

  11. Sugarkane says

    God, I’m rocking in a corner for you! I truly hope all things go to plan and that it’s completed sooner rather than later. I’ve got to say I’ve got nothing to offer you drug wise…but I know (from experience) that Flaming Lambourghini’s will knock you down flat and out. After all, they’ve got 11 spirits in them (each) and if you make it to 2 downed without igniting your lips, and blowing out your liver, then the resultant hangover WILL make you forget the nightmare you’re enduring right now! SERENITY NOW!! All the very best sweetie, sending good vibes your way!!

  12. It’s like watching Grand Designs. Only real. Good luck (she says, drinking vodka for you).

  13. Having lived through about seven years of renos now (including major kitchen and ensuite projects at Christmas time) I can assure you, YOU WILL SURVIVE…and it will all be worth it.

    In the meantime, a little fetal position rocking never goes astray.

    Happy Birthday! xoxoxo


  1. […] in right there in front of me so I could hit him for leaving me! ** Thanks to some inspiration from The Sharpest Pencil, this post is already just around the corner, our current saga- stay tuned! This entry was […]

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