Archives for September 2011

How I lost my fear of flying

Right now I am sitting on a flight to Los Angeles and I am not at all nervous. Not a bit.  In fact I’m really relaxed.  I have the sounds of Angus and Julia Stone playing in my ears, I have my son and my husband at my side and I have the words of Rebecca Sparrow in my head.

All my life I have been a bit scared and although I have had my fair share of therapy (and probably your fair share too) nothing has really stuck.  The way that I have dealt with my anxiety is too prepare for the worst.

When I wrote exams I prepared myself for failure, I imagined how I would deal with failing, how I would break it to my family and what I would do the following year. I imagined that if I dealt with it in my head first it would be easier to deal with if and when it happened. It never did.

When I lost something I told myself I would never find it – that way I was prepared if I never did.

When somebody told me that they loved me I never believed them. Still find it very hard.

When I flew I prepared myself to be hijacked. I anticipated the crash and I consoled myself that at least I would now what to do and how to handle it because I had lived the situation so many times in my head

So how come I am so relaxed on this epic flight to LA? How come after I have read The Secret and been to therapy and devoured self help books and hypnosis and huge amounts of medication I am feeling at ease now?

I think Rebecca Sparrow can take the credit.  Her genius words, her nurturing manner and the beautiful way she dispenses her wisdom.

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When she first mentioned keeping a diary of gratitude I thought she was being a little hippy/new age and er, odd. But I saw how centred she was and how light literally shone from within her. Because every day she chooses to think  of the things that she is grateful for, she doesn’t focus on the negative.

I thought about it a lot, but I never acted on it.  Then last night as I was panicking about my flight Bec sent a message to one of my colleagues who is writing an exam today. She wrote:

“Before you go in, visualise yourself feeling like you know the answers. And being able to recall all the stuff you’ve read and learnt. “

And I don’t why but it just spoke to me.

I could make the choice and it could be a positive one, I didn’t have to think about the worst case scenario. It wasn’t selfish or scary to imagine the best possible outcomes.  So I imagined us landing at LAX safe, happy and excited, I focused on the laughter, the joy we are going to share. Why not live the good stuff twice instead of the bad stuff once just in case?  (I also chose not to think about Nat’s exam at all)

Now I just have to perfect this technique and use it in my everyday.

Thank you Rebecca

It’s 10 years later…

When Little Pencil was born I was worried.  I know it’s hard to believe.

He was tiny, just over a kilo in weight and under 30cm stretched our from his ridiculously tiny almost transparent toes to his perfect little head. A head that fitted into the palm of my hand.

He had a hard time of staying with us. He was ventilated, he was kept alive by machines and medicines. The first thing that passed his lips was medication. The first hands that held him were doctor’s hands. No soft surrounds and calm, relaxing environment but bright lights, surgical implements, machines and invasive testing.

I worried about his health, I worried that he would not make it.

But he was a strong, little boy and the care he received cannot be praised highly enough.  The doctors, the nurses, the surgeons and the specialists – they talked us through it as they worked so hard on him and they fought with him to ensure he survived. And thrived.

But each week at the hospital as the radiologist wheeled in her equipment to do his routine brain scans I panicked from deep inside. I knew that our beautiful child was going to be okay, I knew that he was going to come home with us as soon as he was big enough but everything I read led me to believe that my little boy would always struggle.  He would have difficulty learning, he would always be slightly behind his peers as he tried to make up for the fact that he came into our lives 10 weeks early .
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I googled like a mad woman, looking to find different outcomes and answers for my son.  But I only came across the same information time and time again. Same messages, sometimes different words

Studies have also shown that learning and development problems occur more often in children who were born prematurely. Health professionals and teachers should monitor your child’s development in the early years, and arrange extra help if it is needed.

It is 10 years later.  I have just received a letter that reads in part

It is my pleasure to offer Ethan a position in the 2012 Year 5 Opportunity Class

The Opportunity Class, according to the school’s website “offers gifted children the ability to work with like minded ability peers to provide them with challenges to reach their full potential. Students apply for the OC class and are assessed on general ability, English and Mathematics skills “.

My tiny little baby who struggled so hard is a 10 year old boy with the biggest smile, the kindest heart and a gifted brain.

I am deliriously proud, ecstatically happy. And not a bit worried.