Why they don’t give out soapboxes at the Easter Show


My son is up there somewhere. WITHOUT me I might add

The day did not start out well when I sprinkled Chinese five spice powder on my breakfast instead of cinnamon.  As a general rule I do not like more than one spice for breakfast. Enough said.

The plan was to go to the Easter Show by car because I am allergic to public transport. Allergic meaning I have huge control issues and need to be able to access my car at any point in time and escape if I must.  The five spice powder should have acted as some kind of warning but no, I drove to Homebush to find every single access to the parking at the showground closed.

Eventually after parking somewhere very far away and getting a shuttle bus we got to the show. My son was so excited to be spending the day with me that he told me so eleven thousand times. The low point being when he said “and you don’t even have your lap top in your bag”. Had I spent so little time just with him (and no work) in the past few years that to just hang with me was such a praiseworthy experience? I am afraid the answer might be yes.

That said going out with no work stresses felt foreign but extraordinarily liberating. I was almost willing to look past the five spice powder and lack of parking… I was going to have fun damn it!

Until I saw an “exhibit” which appalled me so much I almost stood on a soap box and called for the Easter Show to be closed down immediately. Remember I hate being in the public eye – but this was horrific.  Seriously.

It was a deep, narrow tank of fish. At first I felt sad for the fish because there was literally no room for them to turn round and I am one of those people who believe fish should have room to move… But worse than that was the whole concept around this trapped fish tank – you could pay money to have a chance to fish from the tank. Obviously you’d be guaranteed a catch.
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Now I’ll be honest and say that I didn’t stay around to find out the details – for all I know you could just traumatise the fish and throw it back, or maybe you got to kill it properly and eat it. Maybe you got to keep it as a pet – any way you look at it I can’t find anything about it that seems fun, entertaining or ethical about trapping a fish and then catching it by luring it with a hook. It’s like putting an animal in a cage and shooting it for sport. In fact that’s exactly what it is.

I tried so hard not to obsess over the fish. But then I got to the animal enclosures and I saw a pig feeding her piglets and I wanted to get back on my soapbox and call an end to intensive factory farming. (By the way you can help do that here – seriously do it!)


Pigs need a little bit of space to smile like this

I am no good around animals. No good at all.

This turned out to be a wonderful thing for my son because I forced him to leave all that behind and spend the rest of the time at the show checking out amazing sugary confection, riding scary rides and traipsing around the showbag pavilion laden with bags. No wonder he thought spending the day with me was so much fun!

So tell me – when you visit a place like the Easter Show is it for the rides or the animals? Are you into the craft or the woodchopping? What is your Easter Show calling card?

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