My onesie fashion confession

I have a fashion confession that I need to get out into the open.

I’d suggest you get comfortable before you listen to me but that might be easier once you’ve read the post (and followed my style advice) because my sense of fashion is closer to what you’d call comfort than couture.

As I stall my confession for fear of bring ridiculed let me give you two very important facts as background.

1 It’s cold
2 I’ve never been a trendsetter


I own a onesie.

I don’t just own it, I wear it and I love it.

It’s not one of those uber cool fluffy animal types. It’s way more functional and far less cute. In fact it looks a lot like a hazmat uniform used only for when you have to clean chemical spills – the fact that it’s white doesn’t help.  Nor the fact that it’s the full deal with feet included and it is by far the most comfortable item of clothing that I own.  Like clouds for your body.

I actually received it as a gift last year when I was still working for iVillage and at the time I laughed and laughed and laughed. And all the girls in the office who also received one, laughed and laughed. And then when I was finished laughing and no one was looking I tried it on and fell in love.

I haven’t worn it in front of anyone other than my husband and my son, nor do I intend to and judging from their reaction I think that’s a pretty wise move.

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I’ve kept the onesie secret for a while now but lately I have seen a few famous faces rocking the style….

onesie one direction

Admittedly not even One Direction can make the onesie look cool


Justin Bieber who, now that I think of it, is not that much older than my son


Beyonce (who is actually quite cool) rocks the onesie. At least she does it in bed not out on the street


Macklemore who is just an incredible writer and singer can get away with a onesie because he probably bought it from a Thrift Shop

Brad Pitt onesie

Brad Pitt, however, cannot and should not get away with wearing a onesie in public

Although I must admit to having seen horses wearing them too.


Very warm horse obviously has no access to a mirror

At least I have never left the house in mine. Yet.

Do you own a onesie? Would you ? Could you?


  1. Ok this post needs a selfie, that’s hysterical …I’m gonna have to try on Tans Zebra now!!

  2. Oh dear. This is not good for me. I had the most horrifying dream in which many men were parading around in ‘onesie underwear’ (me neither, no idea!) and I had never actually seen any onesies in real life since my daughter had a bear onesies four years ago, though I have been reading about them. Oh dear… now I have seen them… what on earth will I dream tonight?

    • Hopefully you will NOT dream about me wearing a onesie because that will be a nightmare, although to be honest the men parading around in oneise underwear sounds pretty scary!

  3. I think I would describe myself as Onesie-Curious…

  4. One? I have two! And they are my favourite items of clothing!!

    Here’s a pic of me in my slightly more stylish one: &

    And you know what? I do consider myself stylish and damn it I love it! Plus, even the Viking has admitted I’m cute in it.

    Right, you’ve just given me an idea for a post. A guide to onesies!

  5. I thought I bought myself a cow onesie. Turns out it is a pig. I feel so lame and ashamed.

    • Mooooo. I mean Oink. I mean don’t let your kids leak any pictures of you online. I want to be the one to do that

  6. Onzies, twozies…three!
    My son set me on a quest to find the ultimate Onzie last year, when he was going to a fancy dress party.
    I returned with a crocodile onzie from the flashiest shop in Melbourne. Needless to say … It’s still hangs in his wardrobe.
    6 months later he asked for another…
    I went directly to Peter Alexander bought the last size 12 boys army fatigue coloured onzie. That too, hangs next to the crocodile.
    Whilst the practical “idea” of bing encased in warm fabric has its appeal….for my son..if he can’t cast an alluring silhouette in a glass panel… He’s not wearing it.!
    If its not onzie its not onzie!

  7. I am not sure how comfortably fashionable the onzies are… just trying to imagine scenerio of having to rush to the loo and you have to half strip off to get onzies off and if its cold no doubt you’ll be freezing ….
    Dont get me wrong, I think they are fun and cosy staying home but not very practical or fashionable !

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