My everyday baby

As those of you who follow me on Twitter or Facebook would know I have been stalking the #royalbaby hashtag for some days now. It was some of the most boring stalking I have ever done because absolutely nothing was happening other than the fact that I was checking it every 5 minutes. And then last night, much like the prince himself – it came alive.

Hundreds and thousands of #royalbaby tweets started flooding my Twitter stream so fast that I couldn’t read them. Faster, it must be said, than Kate’s labour .

I have no idea why I was so excited. I am well aware that thousands of babies are born every day and most of them will never know anything near the wealth and general fortune that this prince is destined to. But I do know that I love baby news. I love hearing about people having babies that are much wanted, I smile when I see complete strangers with newborns and I revel in the feeling of joy that seems to surround new beginnings.

So when the #everyday baby hashtag started to make appear in my feed I was just as excited. People were using the hashtag to share the photos and memories of their “non royal” but just as precious babies.

Elated, exhausted and beautiful mothers appeared with their tiny, gorgeous and very fresh babies.

I thought for a while about which photo I would share to show off my everyday baby. Which photo would show how perfect he was to me and how proud I was to be a mother for the first time.

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There is no photo of him on my chest post delivery. He was rushed off to intensive care before there were any thoughts of photos being taken. To be honest I would rather have him cared for by a team of the most wonderful doctors and caring and dedicated nurses than a photo of him on my chest.

I have about a billion photos of him growing up and I can vouch for the fact that he got more and more beautiful as every day passed. I know there is some bias in my sentence but I’m cool with that

But his birth photo is special. It’s raw and real and miraculous. It was taken by pure fluke by my husband who clicked the camera at the doctor’s instruction. I don’t think he was watching what he was doing but the shot is perfect. As is the baby.

Here is my #everydaybaby twelve years ago. Always a prince to me


Little Pencil being born on 10 February 2001


  1. Little man. I love this post Lana. What a gift.

  2. That is one of the most amazing, and beautiful birth shots I have ever seen. Breathtaking xx

  3. Kat - Mamma's Vida says

    A beautiful photo and story. I had threatened pre-term labour at 28 weeks that was stopped with medical intervention and 4 weeks bed rest and so kind of know – although not entirely – the feeling of just wanting them to be healthy and ok, even if it means you don’t get that first cuddle. You now have your cuddles for life x

  4. Amazing picture – brought tears to my eyes xx

  5. Tears.

  6. Oh look at Eth – gorgeous. And for some reason I feel that today you became the ‘Aunty’ to the Prince. Mazel Tov!

  7. If my wife ever gives birth, I would most likely pass out on the floor if the baby suddenly had to be delivered via C-section. I would only just be able to handle a natural/regular birth as I would be more hysterical and screaming way louder than she would be.

    • I don’t think my husband really looked through the camera when he took the photo. He was looking very intently at my face through much of the yucky stuff

  8. What an amazing picture and story. It must be a marvel to look back and see how small he was.

    • It is quite amazing. I still look at newborns and think they are tiny and then I remember that he was even smaller than that. I have kept the little toy dog that was in crib at the hospital with him as a reminder of his size (he was smaller than the dog) and it’s really small. Excellent reminder and much more reassuring when I see him happy and healthy now

  9. Oh Lana, this photo is precious! Birth is just such an amazing moment, and the sense of newness, of a life full of potential that is just beginning, of unconditional love, that happens in that moment just can’t be replicated. I’ve been so blessed to take birth photos for some friends and will again soon for my sister in law and brother, and I can’t wait to capture that miracle. Looking back at my first photos of all 3 of my babies gives me goosebumps and leaves me in awe of how big they are all getting and how our journey has unfolded together xx

    • The birth photo is truly is the capturing of a miracle,

      Thank you for your comment (and good luck for the birth of your brother’s baby)

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