The biggest (and cutest) cry-baby ever

I am a crier. I cry when I am hurt physically or emotionally, I cry when other people hurt, I cry when I hear something that touches me deeply and sometimes I cry when I feel really happy.  In fact you will often see me with eye make up all the way down to my chin and foundation stains down my cheeks.  Attractive huh?

Before I saw this video I thought I was the textbook definition of cry-baby. But, this little shnookum has just stolen my crown. Watch her as she responds with Lana-like levels of emotions to her mother’s singing.

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  1. Awww that is a tad heart wrenching too!
    I had my kids watch it too …
    Emotional babe that one.

  2. Such emotional intelligence on that little one!

    And Lana, I’m feeling a challenge coming on….. the Cry-Olympics. I cry at the hint of sadness or happiness. With all the hellos and goodbyes in airports, I’m a mess! I cried all over Europe every time we went somewhere new and exciting, which was most days! The kids learned to roll their eyes- There she goes again!

  3. Michaela C says

    Very sweet! I’m a crier too so couldn’t watch til the end. Xxxxxx

  4. Gorgeous bub. But unsure on this one …? This baby needs a good cuddle right now. Hope she got one. Her mum sounds lovely so I am going to assume she did … or I am going to cry.

    • I don’t know, I don’t think the baby is in real distress just very emotional. But if you watch to the end you will see the mum stop singing and start comforting her baby. Beautiful mum, beautiful baby and beautiful song xx

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