Today I bathed my dog 4 times before lunch. How’s your day going?

Anyone that knows me, follows my blog, reads my tweets, likes me on Facebook or bumps into me in the street knows that I adore my dog.  He is positively one of the best things that has happened to my family after well, after all the people parts.

I am sure you will agree he is the most beautiful dog ever

dog bath 1

But, I am not so blinded by love not to be aware that he can get a bit smelly, especially when he rolls in stuff.  And he rolls in stuff A LOT.

So today I decided to wash him. Which was all well and good apart from the few filthy looks he shot at me. I bathed him in the bath because he is my “child” and I have no idea where else to bath someone or something if it is not in the bath.

dog in the bath

He is really quite good in the bath and once I had washed him, conditioned him and taken a few knots out, he was perfect. I cuddled him up in a towel and we headed straight outside intending to go for a long walk and dry off.

The strain of bending over the bath must have made me forget that this morning the gardener had put fertiliser on the lawn outside. The very same lawn that Fluffy Pencil ran to and proceeded to RUB HIS FACE ALL OVER.

We came back inside, the joy of the sunshine outside fading fast, and straight back into the bath.

dog bath face


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dog bath 2

And yes, there is a dog somewhere in this grass (which I might add, might want some of the fertiliser we used today).

So we went back inside and bathed again. This time there was no joy. There were however a lot of bindis and sticks. So many bindis and sticks that I took him out the bath and realised he had to go straight back in.

And when it came time to dry him I took out the blow dryer and he refused to look at me.

dog bath blowing

And then as soon as I turned my back to get a towel he escaped onto the couch. Still very wet.

dog bath on the couch

And so I am punishing him by posting this picture of him drying angrily on my bed.

dog bath final

I had to change my clothes twice during that ordeal – notice how I am not lying on the bed sulking.

This dog is almost as spoilt as my son.


I just walked into my room and found him like this

dog bath on bed

And my mother just arrived and she told me he smells!


  1. He is indeed a most handsome, adorable dog. In fact he is the third best looking dog in Sydney (after my tiny- hairy and big-cool pooches) 🙂

  2. I love that, when they don’t want to do something or are in trouble and won’t look you in the eye.

  3. This made me laugh out loud Lana! I needed that giggle too…so thank you!

    Many of those “looks” are shot at me by my fur-baby, Boof. (He’s the deaf, blind diabetic poodle with no balls and only one eye who now answers to the name of “Lucky”!)

    He’s always hated water. Probably due to the embarrassment and shock he felt when he fell in the pool at 11 weeks of age the first day he joined our family? He has showered ever since. Perhaps you could look at that as an option on days like today? At least you’ll feel more refreshed and will smell just as good too? 🙂

    • Oh Alison he hates the shower. HATES it. I think it’s because he doesn’t like getting his face wet. If he were a human he would be the kind who wears something over their head in the rain to dash from the car inside so as not to mess up his hair xx

  4. PS Fluffy Pencil is indeed one VERY cute little fella! xx

  5. Just be grateful he isn’t a Great Dane!!

  6. Right. You see, I probably would have bathed the dog AFTER I took him for a walk… but I’m a cat person.

  7. That was hysterical and cute. Thanks so much for writing and posting. He is indeed a beautiful specimen…but as you know from your travels in Texas…he’s no Baxter Cornelius .

  8. Today while I was having a shower, one of my dogs decided to be sick. Immediately he started gagging, I jumped out, water going everywhere, as I rushed to get hold of an old newspaper for him to take advantage of.

    As the paper hit the floor, he let go off his breakfast. Did I mention that one side of the room is carpeted, the other covered in lino ? Smack bang in the centre ! Use your imagination. He still is not a very popular boy at the moment.

  9. Leonie Howard says

    He’s a beautiful dog even if he may never speak to you again! I have a cat! They bathe themselves!

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