How was your week?

Last week I ranted wrote about my week, both the good parts and the bad parts, and I have to say it was quite cathartic so I’m thinking I should do it again – and you can rant (or rave) with me and then I won’t feel like every second word I say is “I”.  I need more “we” in my life.


I went to two “blogger” events this week. One on fostering children and the other on styling, er adults. They could not have been more different topics but it was great to be out there talking to other people and learning from experiences so vastly different from mine. Stay tuned because I want to tell you more about them both.


Zoe’s Law. I am not going to pretend I understand the in’s and the outs and clearly I have as much legal nouse as  my dog (which is none) but…  The new law passed through the lower house of the NSW Parliament means that a person can be charged with grievous bodily harm  of a fetus that is either 20 weeks old or at least 400 grams, it  excludes things done with the consent of the mother which sounds dandy. But abortion is still a criminal offense in NSW and can only be legally performed where it is thought to be a risk to the health or life of the mother NOT to terminate. And now that a fetus ma have legal rights above and beyond the rights of the mother I fear that our reproductive rights are becoming a matter for the courts. And that’s not a good thing.


This ad from Jean Claude Van Damme which quickly went viral and even more quickly got covered by ALL the people


I am tempted to start listening to Enya again prompted by the videos above


I went to the gym more than once this week. Twice IS more than once.


The Kanye West video clip that looks like it is a spoof of a bad 1908’s school project made with a green screen and a $5 budget. Also why does Kim Kardashian have no nipples and NO change in facial expression even when she is, er getting humped on a motorbike.  I felt REALLY old when I listened to the lyrics because they are simply foul and made me feel like perhaps it was a generational thing and I just wasn’t getting it.  I was not old enough to have lost my hearing and I almost regretted that for the 4 minutes I sat through the clip hoping someone would jump up in the screen and say “April Fool – this is really a satirical essay on the use of horses in videos in the 1970’s.”

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I am still trying to meditate every day.


I am getting very bored of meditating and I feel like phoning Deepak Chopra and asking him how the law of abundance works for asylum seekers, for  kids living on dumps in India and slums in Brazil. Just as a start.


My bed is still blissful.


Got blood test results back and it turns out that when the doctor says you should stay on your medication you should. I didn’t.  I had to go  back on it and now I remembered why I went off it. Insulin resistance shminshulin resistance. Bah!


I know I have bored you with videos but I posted this on my Facebook wall yesterday because I thought it was brilliant


I may have become obsessed with staring at the faces that they were making. Still thought it was very brilliant but could not stop staring and marveling at the mouth movements and the concentration.

In case you missed it, I wrote about boy power here, and talked about magazines and their deception here.

Over to you – how was your week?



  1. Love to hear more about those blogging events – sounds interesting. And I like the idea of a recap of the week. I might have to steal, er, I mean, borrow that one! 🙂

    • Going to be writing about both events as soon as I stop finding more youtube videos to sop fixating on!

      If you do a recap of your week that is prompted by my post I will be so happy it will go in my “good” next week!

  2. Good – a new Beatles album came in the mail this week… that doesn’t happen very often nowadays… 🙂

    Bad – the wet weather in Sydney is getting to me a bit – I know we need it… but…

  3. I do like your succinct weekly list of “good” and “bad”, Lana…I’d like to hear more about those blogging seminars, particularly the one on fostering.

    As you say, such a contrast of news and images – Zoe’s Law juxtaposed to the dang Kardashians!

    Meditation is good (if only Deepak would clarify)…and exercise – does a sedate dog walk count? 🙂

    • Just finished crying, I mean writing about the fostering – stay tuned, I will post next week.

      Sedate dog walks count! Everything counts

  4. Good – only 8 days till we leave on a short cruise (not that I’m counting the days or anything!)

    Bad – I’ll never get that 4 minutes back that I spent watching Kim Kardashian and Kanye West (where are her nipples???)

    Oh and the other good? It’s our wedding anniversary tomorrow 🙂

  5. Good = work; Bad = poo – far too much poo in our house this week compliments of a sick dog. Good = dog better; Bad = 19 yo trying to make me feel bad because I didn’t want him to bring both his girlfriend and a new friend he has made from work home to stay the night. GF ok … stranger, not so – sms epic ridiculous fight; Good = Friday night and it’s nearly bed time 🙂

    Hello Lana xxx

    • Hello Annie!

      Sorry about the poo, even sorrier about the cone of shame. Hope your son has seen the light and Sammy has seen the vet xxx

  6. You’ve both opened my mind and tarnished it at the same time. Can’t get that For a Special ‘Aunt’ card out of my head. Sounds like an eventful week – thanks for the acapella – oh to have such talent, but to enjoy it is pretty great as well. I feel like the beautiful girl on the end who was the syncopation through the whole thing was slightly jibbed.

    • Lol – loved that you watched their faces as closely as I did. And I am really sorry about the special aunt card *blushes furiously*


  7. I love this wrap. Reminds me of another place I used to hang out once. 😉

    The good- husband was away and I got to stretch out in comfort and not have the sheet snatched away in the middle of the night.

    The bad – nothing personally but this particular week was not the greatest timing for hub to have his first trip to Jakarta!

    Another good – Tiger have just started flying Singapore to Maldives! Our once-in-a-lifetime trip in August isnow not a once-in-a-lifetime trip. 🙂

    • Thanks KJ 😉

      Isn’t sleeping alone once in a while just bliss!!!
      I read about your homesickness on your blog though and I felt sad for you (sorry I read it on the mobile and never got to comment).

      But I think the trip to the Maldives sounds like at least you have something to look forward to!! xxx

      • Funnily enough my homesickness disappeared the moment I started booking and planning another holiday! Back to my normal self now. X

  8. Love the post, Lana! 🙂

    Ok, my week goes something like this –
    Good: My career seems to be shooting off in a totally unexpected but amazing direction.

    Bad: No one seems to believe in me to be able to be successful in earlier mentioned awesome career direction change.

    Good (again): I’m determined to grab new career direction by the proverbial balls and run with it.

    Good (and again): Found myself in Melbourne the last week seeing family.

    Bad (again): Got home from Melbourne last night.

    • Okay Nat, I’m getting bossy here : DO NOT LISTEN TO THE NAYSAYERS. You are going to be awesomely successful and the only person that needs to believe in you is you – and you know you can do it.

      Can’t wait to hear more about it xxx

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