I need someone to dress me

What do you wear when you are invited to the launch of a website of a celebrity stylist?

This is a real life conundrum I was faced with just last week when I was invited to the launch of Jules Sebastian’s website Styled by Jules. Now I know about the real life problems that many people face, and the fact that I was getting an amazing morning tea at The Establishment kind of negates any reality to the horror of my plight but believe me, I spent FAR TOO LONG wondering about what to wear.

Working from home means that I wear pyjamas a lot. Or if not pyjamas – very comfortable clothes that my husband looks at and says “I assume you are not leaving the house today” when he sees me. Sometimes I take the dog for a walk and none of the other dog walkers talk to me, if I put two and two together it’s usually on the “comfortable clothes” days that this happens.

If I am not wearing elasticated pants or comfy dresses I am in skinny jeans with a long top on. My reckoning is that the skinny jeans emphasise the fact that my legs are the only part of me that doesn’t need work. The long top is meant to disguise my area of most concern – my rather pronounced stomach. Apparently this does not work because I get asked about my pregnancy a lot even though I am not pregnant. In fact I was never asked about my pregnancy when I was pregnant!

But when going to meet Jules Sebastian (who was just the wife of Guy Sebastian when I set out) and Samantha Jade I felt like I needed to make more effort hence the tremendous thought that went into the outfit.

The problem with all my planning was evident when I got up the morning of the event and looked in the mirror. I looked nothing like “fantasy me”. In the preparation for the event I had envisaged my entire wardobe on a different body. A considerably younger, slimmer, more toned and less pasty white body. I cannot tell you my delight in the fact that it was raining and I could cover up more thus dealing with the pastiness efficiently – the rest of the problems were not that easy to deal with.

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Jules Sebastian is absolutely amazing, charming, down to earth, very accommodating of people who want to touch her pregnant stomach (me) and much more than just Guy Sebastian’s wife. She is a stylist, not just to celebrities but to people like you and me. And you never have to even think about what to wear when you meet her. You simply click on to her site, answer a few simple questions about what you’re looking for and your own style, attach a photo of yourself and then she creates a look book specially crafted for you. Best thing, well one of the brilliant things, is that it’s click to buy so you really can do it in elastic pants – you never leave the house.

Now if I could just stop tilting my head to the left like a mad woman maybe Jules can sort the rest. Wonder if she offer hairstyling recommendations…

jules sebastian

Jules Sebastian. me and Samantha Jade

This post was not paid for by anyone but if Jules would like to style me she is very welcome.

Do you dress to suit your body? Your sense of fashion? Would you use a stylist to help you find a few key pieces?


  1. You looked GORGEOUS. Not as gorgeous as her tummy, but GORGEOUS.

  2. I probably need a stylist to curb my tendency to mutton-dressed-as-lamb. Luckily I have my stylish (and highly opinionated) teenage daughter to bark instructions at me when I’m on the verge of leaving, such as “NO! Do NOT leave the houses in that!!” She hasn’t forgiven me my faux fur bolero from 2 years ago, when they were the height of fashion (but no animal suffered).

    I love your top, Lana, it is elegant and well complemented by those black beads.In fact, I think your outfit is the classiest of all 3 pictured (notwithstanding any mad tilting of your head)!

    • Thank you Lee-Anne – something I left out of the post: the top was bought at half price from a ridiculously expensive shop because it had a stain on the back of the sleeve. I reckoned I was going to stain it soon enough myself so I might as well nab a bargain.

      My son is only 12 but he has just started to tell me what he REALLY thinks of what I am wearing. It’s not good 🙂

  3. Like you Lana, once I started working from home my wardrobe went out the door. I have old work clothes that are just not right for any occasion now, or really dressy things that I used to wear out when I had dressy things to go go. Other than that, it’s jeans and trackies – sad….. I keep telling myself that I need some nice casual stuff but never get around to it. You looked lovely so no need for all that stress and pondering xo

    • You are too kind. I also have a wardrobe of ridiculous clothes that I keep thinking I will have use for…so far NOTHING xx

  4. Yep – what Kerry said 🙂

  5. Years of watching Trinny and Susannah have given me a good eye for what suits me and what doesn’t. I love a good frock, I have about 80 of them in my wardrobe. It helps that I don’t work from home so I have to get dressed to leave 🙂

  6. I think you look wonderful, but I would be happy to take you shopping if you would like. And my hairstyling recommendation would be this: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/158751955588133440/ or this: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/430797520575394078/

    • Thank you Tamsin. I HATE shopping which is why the whole online thing appeals to me so much. But I love the hairstyles you sent through, now if only I could get my hair done online my life would be sorted! xx

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