This is me – the consummate professional

Allow me to take you for a journey into the world of the professional Sharpest Pencil, the consummate corporate professional who consults to business about important matters like social media, seo practices and getting more readers to your site.

Let’s take yesterday for example. I had a meeting with the Marketing and Communications Manager of a huge media outlet.  Proper huge – like household name kind of huge.  I got myself out of pajamas and into the city right on time for the meeting so everything was going well.

We went to a café, ordered coffees and I talked incessantly as I am want to do. It was all going brilliantly. The woman I was meeting with was kind, attentive and we were right on the same page about our subject matter. Facebook stats and social media phrases were running off my tongue like butter on hot toast.  So confident was I with my subject matter and so comfortable was I with the company that I think my brain clicked over a cog or two and I started to forget that I had just met the woman sitting across from me. I think I may have also forgotten that I was meeting her in a professional rather than social situation.

The conversation was winding down and we were starting to talk next steps when I mentioned that I was going away next week. That’s not a problem because I really am. But, as I told her I was going away the emotion started bubbling away and the next thing, without any consent from my brain, I was saying “I don’t know how I am going to say goodbye to my dog”.

I didn’t even mention my son. Not that it would have made it any better, but I started worrying aloud to someone I had just met about a potential work contract ABOUT SAYING GOODBYE TO MY DOG.

She was lovely and she loved her own dogs  (she showed me pictures after I foisted my phone replete with 100 photos of Fluffy Pencil onto her) and I think she understood me but then I started telling her how I once went for a job interview and told the interviewer that I could not take the job because I would miss my dog too much. I am flush with embarrassment even as I write this.
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The meeting was so successful that when I left I had the name of a brilliant pet groomer and a place that supplies dog food at really reasonable prices. Sadly I did not have my dignity in tact.

And THAT my friends is how professional I was yesterday.

PS: The very lovely woman involved sent me a beautiful email saying she understood my dog madness. Interestingly she was still interested in hearing from me professionally .

PPS: Hi Abby – it was GREAT meeting you yesterday. Thanks for listening to me!



  1. I think that just shows how real you are, Lana – it’s part of your charm. And who could leave a face like that anyway? So cute. And are those gardening feet I’m seeing? My dog gets gardening feet, usually in my herb garden…..

  2. I love your love for your Fluffy Pencil. I miss my Fluffy Pencil 🙁

  3. Connections is all we have in this life – professional or not! Good work 🙂

  4. You are hilarious! Written very well too. I could picture your interaction perfectly 🙂

  5. Well, that IS a gorgeous dog 🙂

  6. I have to be honest…. All I can see is…..

  7. Why does he have brownies stuck to his feet?

  8. It’s all in the name. He is seriously cute but his name steals the show 😉

  9. Ahhh, Henry. Henry has caused a bit of turmoil in our household lately. Yes, it was lovely that Trevor could come visit for the Big Event and see you all…but when he got home it was “Henry” this…and “Henry” that…and let me just say Baxter heard it all…every word. I heard it all too, and looked on in amazement as my husband appeared to be more enamored with Henry than with his own flesh and blood (well…you know what I mean). Slowly…over the last couple weeks…we have turned Trevor back around and he is now again sufficiently aware of who is really Top Dog, but it took some doing. No question Baxter (aka Baxterlicious) may be a bit more “spirited” (aka neurotic) but that doesn’t make him one bit less cute or less endearing, as Trevor has come to realize once again. I only wish Henry realized that Uncle Trevor was just missing Baxter, and thus expounded on his cuteness to the point that is must have SEEMED preferential 🙂

  10. Love it! Hope to have a laugh about it in person when you get back from hols … circumstance got in the way a little over the past few weeks. Bon Voyage!

  11. It was pointed out to me yesterday that my facebook page doesn’t have any stuff about the kids or even the granddaughter but plenty of pictures of Oscar de la Bosca. Check out his latest photo next to the Bentley with the Oscar3 number plate!

  12. You are so cute! As is Fluffy Pencil.

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