Motherhood is really just being the person you are with the person you created

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When Little Pencil was just a toddler I was still convinced that parenting was meant to be about memorable parenting moments shared at parks and beaches and other traditional “happy family” places.  I was still at the stage where I judged my parenting experience alongside the fantasies of the pictures of other families I saw. I thought it was all meant to be sunshine and roses and learning experiences and laughter.

It often wasn’t.

We’d often return home from an outing in tears – both Little Pencil and I. He hadn’t “appreciated” it the way he was meant to and we were tired and hungry and frustrated. Actually I was hungry – he not so much. Outings in the early days were more like military-like excursions with tight timetables around naps and meals, there was baggage – so much baggage – nappies and snacks and water and suntan lotion and toys and changes of clothing and kitchen sinks and that was just the “baby bag”.

Of course we had some amazing times and I have about 56898 photos to prove it. I also have memories of laughing with him and marveling at him and just being so damn happy to be his mother.  But there was always a lot of stress associated with it – maybe because I hadn’t slept through the night for four years and I couldn’t get the damn child to eat a thing. But I digress.

Today Little Pencil had his first free day these holidays. It’s becoming increasingly hard to find time with him as he flits from one social arrangement to the next, so the thought of stealing some time with him was hugely attractive and I had just the lure to get him to want to spend some time with me.

He’s been nagging me since we bought the new house in March to find out if he can walk down to the beach from the new house with his friends. Today was going to be our opportunity to try out the route ourselves so we could make an informed decision about what the walk involved.

We parked at the new house that we don’t yet live in and set off. Just him, me, our phones (for photographic purposes), a bottle of water and some money for lunch. He did query my outfit before we left home so I knew I was dealing with a teenager.

What I hadn’t imagined was how wonderful it would be to spend time with this teenager without any of the normal distractions. There was no timetable, no friends pulling at his side, no work pulling at mine. We just walked and laughed and walked and took a zillion photos.  He went onto scary dangerous rocks and instead of screaming I took photos of him smiling, he challenged waves on the slippery rocks and I only screamed internally.  He talked constantly (as is his want) and I listened because he was actually really interesting and entertaining.
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We fed birds, we fed ourselves and he fed my soul with a love that the just keeps building as I discover more and more that parenting is not just about looking after a baby, that it’s not about perfect moments that the books define, that it’s really just being the person you are with the person you created.

Little Pencil raved about the walk – he loved every minute of it and even though it’s certainly close enough to walk there with his friends he’s told me he wants to do it with me again. Actually he told me he wants to do it with his dad but I think I’ll be allowed to join them.

I never thought I was going to learn to love him even more in his teenage years. Guess I was wrong.  And I realise I have changed my mind about teenagers completely since I wrote THIS post. (I prefer this way)

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  1. Lovely post Lana, and I really am impressed with the rock formations in the photographs. Have a great weekend. xx

  2. The biggest rewards are yet to come Lana. I promise 🙂

  3. A big lump in my throat and a few tears because I know what you mean. How precious are these moments we have with our kids? I do remember everything being so stressful when they were little – it’s difficult to reason with little ones. And now they’re a bit older, they have such busy social lives that you need to make time to spend together. I put my foot down yesterday with both my girls and said ‘just us’. It was lovely – laughter, shopping, just stuff. I adore your comment about motherhood being about the person you are with the person you created. So true. Again, a lovely post Lana xo

  4. I’m so happy for you. You can chalk this new beginning against little pencil’s door frame in the new house.
    But maybe he’s not a little pencil anymore, he’s a growing bigger pencil.
    My squirt has been away from us for 2 weeks, except for a “parents allowed 2 hour drop in” at the official Barcelona training grounds.
    I meditated for a week on not embarrassing him by throwing myself at his feet when I saw him.
    The moment passed, Squirt raised his eyebrows with acknowledgement and I waited (ugh) until training finished and the players were able to say hello. I marveled at this young man who had grown so much in 5 days. He saunted up, his fellow team mates mingling behind him. “Hey mum”
    His strong arms wrapped around me and he gave me a huge hug and a kiss on the cheek!
    I guess it’s all about embracing the moments that aren’t scripted, and realizing that although our boys are growing up and moving along as they should. They still know who we are and how much they love us!

    • Just beautiful Julia

      I think we are very lucky to have such beautiful boys who still know how much they love their mums – just like we knew how much we love them

  5. Gorgeous. And I love how it comes so soon after the ‘Teenagers are Evil Sociopaths’ post. There will be more like that one, too. Because this is it. A rollercoaster.
    Teens. Beautiful one day, Satan the next.

  6. Such a lovely, emotive post that has made me reflect on how I am currently trying to ‘structure’ and organise time with my 2 year old. Maybe I just need to step back a bit… Thank you for sharing.

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