I was nominated to do this


I have been nominated for something that I am not even scared of which makes a very good change because ordinarily I run away from nominations lest I have to be competitive. I don’t have a competitive bone in my body and quite frankly entering competitions scares me a bit.

But this isn’t  a competition it’s for the 2014 Liebster Awards which I didn’t know existed until Tamsin Howse from Kiki &Tea nominated me to take part. She explains “it’s basically a blogging chain letter where you have to answer a series of questions posed to you by the person who nominated you, then you get to pose 10 questions to the people you nominate. “ I will totally answer her 10 questions but am afraid I can’t nominate anyone else to do the same because I don’t er, know who to nominate BUT if you want me be nominated just let me know in the comments and I’ll totally come up with 10 questions for you. Warning the first one will be – can you please make me a cup of tea?

So here are Tamsin’s questions and my answers

If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

My superpower would be invisibility because I would love to be able to see things I shouldn’t but I think that would drive me to distraction so I’ll be less selfish and choose the power to feed the poor.

Do you conform to gender roles?

Yes, I look after the day-to-day running of the house and I take care of Little Pencil’s needs on a practical level (although Mr Pencil is the best and most hands-on father in the universe and beyond). I have absolutely no problem with my role in the family, I feel blessed that I get to be that person. My husband works ridiculously hard at what he does and it is my pleasure to have meals cooked for him and clothes washed for him.

What do you do or wear when you need a confidence boost?

My skin. I always need a confidence boost.  It doesn’t help.

Do you enjoy having people visit your home?

I love having people in my home if they eat my food and ooh and ah over my dog.

Do you have a signature colour?

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What’s your routine first thing in the morning?

I hit the snooze button 3 times then take Fluffy Pencil for a walk. Come home and wake up Little Pencil (which takes two days), make breakfast and take him to school at 7:50 before coming home to work. In between that waking time and going to school time I check the internet about 76 times for work, fun and to satisfy my addiction.

Have you ever done something you really regret, if so, what was it?

Many many many things. None of which I feel I want to share with the internet.

If you could have one wish, what would it be?

World peace. Nothing else.

How would your best friend describe you?

I think every one of my closest friends would describe me in a different way. Hopefully some would even be positive

If you could ask me any question, what would it be?

Would you please bring me a cup of tea?

So there you go – my 10 Liebster questions answered. Let me know if you want to be nominated and I’ll send you some questions as soon as you’ve put the kettle on.



  1. Funny, the person who nominated you and the person who nominated me must think somewhat similar….I got the superpower question too!!

  2. Tamsin Howse says

    I’ll make you a cup of tea!

  3. I’m not fishing for a nomination but if I could have a super power it would be that I could eat what ever I wanted, never exercise and have the perfect healthy, fit figure. My one wish would be that I wasn’t so body obsessed and shallow 🙂

  4. Not sure if I want to be nominated, but if I had to make you a cup of tea, it might be a problem as I don’t drink tea or coffee, so anything I make doesn’t always taste very nice as I just don’t have those skills.

    Love Pinky Poinker’s idea of eating anything. Funny, my first thought was I’d like to fly, but the food/weight superpower wins hands down.

  5. I will make you a cup of tea… Anytime!
    Not fishing either …
    But Super Powers of any kind- (read Superman memoirs) would be very cool!!
    As a normal woman I can only do 1000 things before breakfast!

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