So, some people don’t know who Paul McCartney is…

I keep seeing references to the “fools” who didn’t know who Paul McCartney was when he recently collaborated with Kanye West on the song Only One. Hell, even I wrote about it on Facebook. I was appalled that someone (many someones actually) didn’t know who Paul McCartney was. Everyone knows the Beatles, they were more famous than Jesus…


But it turns out that not everybody actually does know about The Beatles. and they are being virtually hung and quartered. The abuse being directed to some innocent young tweeps whose only “sin” was not to know who Paul McCartney is hideous. I am not sure how mocking and ridiculing people for not knowing who a music legend is makes you “better”, more worldly or more culturally advanced. In fact I’d go so far as to say abusing someone online makes you worse than all that. Bitter and angry – not better at all.

I have an almost 14-year old. He know who The Beatles are because he has daggy parents who used to sing We All Live in a Yellow Submarine to get him to sleep, and because there aren’t many other bands whose lyrics we know so well. But I can assure you he does not give a hoot about The Beatles, he’s 13 he’s not listening to the same music as his grandparents listened to. Times change, musical fads come and go. It’s hard to admit we are getting older but that doesn’t make it less true. Our children aren’t going to listen to the same music as us, they wont want to watch the same movies we loved , play the same games or read the same books you delighted in as a kid.. It’s about moving forward, it’s not a slight on our taste, our culture or even on Paul McCartney.

I grew up to the music of Rodriguez thanks to my two older sisters who dictated my taste in music during my formative years. That’s a good thing given my mother has never enjoyed anything writing post the 1590’s and my father had two tapes (actual cassettes) – Donna Summer and Francoise Hardy.
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So my sisters and I loved Rodriguez like every other angst-ridden South African kid growing up in the 1980’s. I cannot understand people who don’t know and love Rodriguez. So when I hear this cover by Yolanda Be Cool I want to storm and shout and rant to the world that it is NOT Yolanda Be Cool, it’s a wizened old man by the name of Rodriguez and the Be Cool guys have just scratched the record – or something like that.

But I’m trying not to be bitter, just grateful that I have had the opportunity to know the original.

I read with horror and sadness how one of the people being treated so mercilessly on social media for not knowing who Paul McCartney is, threatened suicide. Bullied to the point of suicide for daring to live in his own era without the benefit of an education into the past.

So please people, calm down about the Kanye/McCartney collaboration and concentrate your efforts on letting the world know that Rodriguez was responsible for Sugarman.


  1. I agree that the bullying is definitely not needed. However, I’m still in disbelief that these people couldn’t at least Google who Paul McCartney is. Also Kanye is an arse, but that’s a whole nother story lol.

  2. I can’t name one song by Kanye… whoever he is. I’m not joking either.

  3. Haha excellent love how you ended this. And especially loved that I got a mention 😉

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