I’ve joined a cult

There is no easy way to say this, I have joined a cult.

It started late last year when a friend asked me if I would come and see a demonstration at her house, food was involved. Because I really like food I thought it would be remiss not to go, I really like my friend as well and food and her company while watching a demonstration seemed like a perfect thing to do.

And so I was lured into the cult of the Thermomix.

It’s pretty bad. And I’ve only just joined.

I didn’t have very long with it yesterday due to the fact that I had a life before I joined the cult, but in the two spare hours that I had, I made polenta, using vegetable stock made in the Thermomix, then I made a cake and a batch of icing. We were out for dinner so I had to be dragged away from creating several other culinary masterpieces but the whole night I sat itching to leave to go home and make butter. I knew it would only take about 7 minutes in the genius machine.

Today I found myself buying wheat that I can turn into flour and yeast so that I can make home-made bread to eat with the butter that I eventually managed to whip up.
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I used to love cooking but this is different – this isn’t cooking, it’s playing and it’s creating and it’s living in the future where you don’t actually have to think but you can if you want to.  It’s all kinds of perfect and wondrous and, even if I wanted to, I can’t actually think of anything negative to say because they’ve inserted that Thermomix chip into my head and I am part of the cult.

I’m afraid I am going to turn into one of those people who tell you how their lives have been transformed, one of those people who tell you how much time and money they’ve saved. But I’m not really afraid because I am one of them already.  Please continue to read my blog, I’ll try to temper my cultish adoration.

I’ll miss my previous life, but if you have a Thermomix tell me what I should be making.

And watch this – it’s laugh out loud hysterical. Seriously. If the first few lines offend you stay with it because once they start talking about us cult members Thermomix owners, it’s worth it.


  1. Ha, ha – I saw this clip earlier today, and it is pretty funny (especially given they don’t like risotto!) But enjoy your thermomix – I hear from everyone who has one that they could not live without it! x

  2. I applaud your honesty 😉 Those girls in the video – just a little bit funny ha!

  3. Okay. So don’t tell ANYONE…but I joined the cult too. My mum and I went along to my SIL’s TM party to LAUGH at the TM and to EAT. We came home having signed up to share one week about (sure that we wouldn’t need it that often). My 6 year old started CRYING each Sunday when it was time to give the shared TM to Nonna and Papa; “don’t DON’T take the TM!”. So we ordered another. Have now had it about 6 months. It ‘hides’ around a corner in the kitchen and mum covers hers with a teatowel when people come over! We both LOVE cooking and are SO embarrassed we now have a TM! Within a week I loved the TM so much that I swapped my Kitchenaid for a piece of art with an artist friend. Polenta is great! Just had that last night – and put half in tin to cool and had polenta chips for lunch today. The Quirky Cooking onion salt is THE BOMB…I could deal that stuff like a drug I reckon – everyone I’ve given it to begs for more. The two fettuccine dishes in the Everyday Cookbook are my ‘I HAVE NO TIME AND NOTHING IN THE FRIDGE’ meals but I really like the Quirky Cooking recipes best – ‘like’ her on FB NOW. Her brown rice soup is amazing. Thank you for the opportunity to rave about the TM, I don’t do it in real life!! Welcome to the cult. Now go make some jaffa custard…

    • Your comment made me laugh out loud – I also LOVE cooking and was slightly embarrassed to have the TM but today when I buttered my toast with my own butter I felt everything was justified xx

  4. Leonie Howard says

    I’m not buying anything which costs $2,000 to make bread which costs 85 cents at the supermarket. I’ll spend the 2 grand on a holiday to Hawaii and stuff myself silly at a Luau instead. And besides, I love simmering my Bolognaise sauce for 3 hours, filling the house with yummy smells. And making a gorgeous Steak Diane, or Chinese BBQ Pork, or Pan-fried Fish in Butter and Lemon Sauce. But I’m glad you’re having so much fun Lana, because that’s what cooking food should be…..fun.

    • Oh I do love cooking – but I also love gadgets – this is a perfect mix of both. And the best news is you can smell the food cooking in the thermomix 😉 xx

  5. I have been to 3 demonstrations now but haven’t quite made the commitment. The demos making it look so easy and the food is always amazing, but if I’m a rubbish cook now, I fear I may just be a rubbish cook with a very expensive gadget on the bench. That Katering Show clip is hilarious though. I couldn’t click through to your Instagram for some reason, but I shall be watching your foodie photos with interest!

  6. I am also a cult member and I love it. I hid it for a month or two before I had to publicly announce my love for the machine. It has actually changed the way we cook and eat. It’s so much easier to make food from scratch that I actually can be bothered to do it!

    Love their review of it.


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