When do you just let things go. Also known as the end of the thermomix wars

It feels like the whole of Australia knows that I have “issues” with my Thermomix given the absolute huge amount of traction my humble little blog gained when I wrote simply that the Thermomix was not everything that I had expected it to be. News.com.au contacted me to ask me if they could republish it and the next thing I knew I was, for want of a better phrase, going viral.

The post started popping up everywhere and I was hugely impressed and delighted with how many people agreed with me. I wasn’t a leper after all. Many people find that they are not using the Thermomix as much as they thought they would. The comments on my own blog were beautiful, smart and very considered. Even the people who didn’t agree with me.

But then some of the people that run Thermomix recipe sites came across my blog and for reasons I will never understand it angered them, it angered them to such an extent and with such force that they decided (without knowing anything about me) that I was a very bad person.  A lying and cheating bad person.  I had scammed them (HOW?) and I had click baited them (HOW?).  Defamatory remarks were written about me and pointed out to me by friends and family members and I cried. A lot.

I tried to respond, I tried not to respond. I cried, I felt sad, I felt scared, I felt like I had done something wrong even though I could not think what it was because as many times as I reread my post I could not see where I had insulted any person or scammed anyone, or tried to lure them into reading something that was not true.

When I calmed down a bit I thought some of the comments, however insulting were verging on funny. My favourite being  how I was profiting from the post. My blog is not monetised and as I am not Rupert Murdoch (although sometimes I get cranky and may resemble him) nor was I paid by News  I could not be making money from the post on News sites.  My other was how I was actually angling for a Nutri-Bullet. I am what you would call the opposite of a juicer – remember, I like my food crunchy. If I got sent a Nutri-Bullet I would donate it to  the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (so if you want to send me one please send it directly there).
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I tried to reconcile in my head that these people didn’t know me and so whatever they were saying was purely speculative but it got to me. It caused me huge distress and I didn’t know just how to respond…. I stopped looking for signs of Lana hate and addressed some of it directly.  The two people I contacted directly took their negative comments down.

It got me and my conspirator Kerri (who rallied for me with such power and love yesterday I cried again) to talking about when we let things go. When do you decide to fight for the last word and when do you just say “I’m moving on”.

What do you think? Do you let things go or do they sit with you and make you mad until you release them?



  1. For online things with people I don’t know then I ignore it. Although I’ve never had anything happen like this! But, mostly, yeah, I try and walk away and not get involved in online debates.

  2. I read your piece Lana when it first came out. I didn’t agree with everything you said, but I had no problem with it. It’s your opinion and that’s just fine as far as I’m concerned.

    I was shocked however, to see how the media treated your post. From my seat here in Canada I watched your article being re-posted and syndicated in various news outlets in AU over the next few days. It’s obvious to me that the mainstream AU media is using the word “Thermomix” as “click bait”. The media is promoting the controversial potential of these posts and creating more hype than there would be under natural conditions.

    I know, it’s hard to “let things go” when they become personal like this. In this instance however, it’s the media who should have let this go. (It’s more than a bit ironic too, that your making of this video is not “letting go”, nor “rising above” the issue at hand, but perpetuating it further….but never mind that for now.) As a dedicated Thermomix fan, I’m quite tired of the fanfare around “Thermomix controversy” these days, and all the media outlets who go so low as to insert the word Thermomix into their headlines to get more views. The media should be ashamed of such cheap tactics, but then, that’s what they do, isn’t it. I’m sorry that you happened to be a pawn in their dirty game Lana.

    • Helen, I couldn’t agree with you more. I love my Thermomix but each to their own. I find it very odd that the media is seeking out articles that are anti Thermomix. I’m so over reading about them. I find it laughable the constant association of Thermomix with the word ‘cult’. It’s just an appliance. I love mine – because I do use it a lot. I certainly don’t pray before it, or insist it will change anyone’s life. It’s just an appliance. One I use a lot.

      Lana, I’m sorry you have had to endure such hateful replies. Much like my feelings on it being cult-like, I just let it go! Faceless people venting on a keyboard are not your problem. Oh the energy they must waste being that angry about someone they don’t know, who has no bearing on their lives but doesn’t like an appliance as much as they do. What a waste of time for them. Hope you’re feeling better.

      • I agree %100 lee Anne
        I was given a TM as a gift and use it daily.
        I like what it does and how it does it…..but not so much that I would vilify someone if they don’t like theirs.
        I’m sorry Lana that you have been treated so badly.

    • Thanks Helene for your thoughtful comment – I think there is merit in what you say about the media taking it further than it should, But remember that I wrote it for my blog although I did agree to allowing it to be republished on a newspaper which obviously syndicated it elsewhere. I have been inundated with requests for interview – I am declining any more.

      The video is part of a series that Kerri and I do each week or so – here’s the last one http://www.sharpestpencil.com.au/2015/03/17/she-didnt-want-to-waste-her-husband/ xxx

      • And why shouldn’t you? You did nothing wrong. You as every other person have the right to your opinion, and there is nothing wrong in allowing that post to np be published in the newspaper. It’s a compliment.
        Of course newspapers try to get attention and clicks. They have to make money after all. If they can’t, there wouldn’t be any around after all.
        I enjoyed reading your thermomix article, and same to other blog posts and I’m glad I found your blog…thanks to the article 🙂

        Oh, and I don’t own a thermomix. Don’t hate it, don’t love it. I couldn’t care less about it. 🙂 I have just too many appliances filling my kitchen up that I bought bc it seemed such a great idea at the time, that I stopped buying more unless I throw one of the others out…lol

  3. Lana, when people are angry, mean or rude online it’s all about them…not you! They don’t know you personally. Neither do I. But because they don’t know you they make assumptions about your values and who you are based on their experiences, their prejudices, their views on the world. It is not about you as a person. Let it go- they feel threatened and angry but it’s their problem not yours. Its just a freaking kitchen appliance!! People need to get a grip, they need to get some perspective because there are much bigger issues they could put that passion and energy into!

  4. Lana, I don’t think it really was your post, or your position, that they were railing against (as hard as it would be not to take it personally, given how personal, and untrue, some of the comments were). I feel like many people at the moment feel a real urge to take sides on issues and, often, the more mundane or simple, the better (because the others are too complex). Therefore – pro or non Thermomix (or Paleo, or method of child birth, or women walking by themselves at night, or whatever) and emotions are unleased, even against someone who didn’t actually have a side (I think you asked if people could help you learn to love it?). Last year was apparently the year of ‘outrage’, but I think it has continued. I’m not sure why – do many people feel powerless or overwhelmed and need somewhere to direct their emotions, possibly?

    I was recognising this in myself – I wrote at the end of last week on my blog about how I am trying to pull back on commenting on everything – online or in discussions, or yelling at the TV – half the time when I don’t really know the facts. It’s really easy to get drawn into, but not excusable. Hopefully you are starting to feel better? (and good having Kerri in your corner!)

  5. It’s totally their issue if someone takes issue with that article, I’m increasingly put off social media (and even blogging) because of this whiplash attitude to what people do when they don’t like something. I was writing of my own much smaller experience of this and what bothers me is how quickly they get personal and aggressive about it.

    The thing I have noticed is that they don’t seem to read the article at all but instead get hung up on their feelings about the item or events you’re discussing and board the angry train.

    My personal policy for people commenting on anything I write is “feel free to disagree as long as you do it respectfully”, if they don’t they get one chance through a polite but firm reply, if they go past that well…

    • Good policy Lila. I will never understand why people get so personal and aggressive but I would hate to stop writing because of that xxx

  6. Lana,

    Just be careful how you write it and, I suggest review, review and peer review.
    The general problem with blogs is that, it is an opinion in a text form. It is subject to individuals interpretation, there is no tone to it. Headlining “I just don’t love thermomix” vs saying ” I just love traditional cooking” would spare you from all this vitriol. But then Media may have played a part in headlining that phrase, subjecting you to hate..

    You’re entitled to your opinion, but at the same token you also got to remember that the online people (trollers) also thinks they have the god given right to be an ass! And there are so many social channels that they can express hatred. There is no way to avoid it.

    But so long as it doesn’t come to your home, best to ignore it.

    BTW I do own a Thermomix so I don’t fall in the how would you know.

    I do have to say its not for everyone, it has worked out for the better for me but that does not necessarily make things better for someone who is a passionate cook.

    • But Ken I don’t see what the problem is with saying I don’t love the Thermomix. I am not insulting the people who like it, I am not saying it’s a bad machine – I am just saying I don’t love it. Explain to me from someone who can see both sides – what is it about that which makes people so angry?

      PS Thanks so much for the considered comment

      • Hi Lana I posted below too. I think Ken is right in that a percentage of the negative responses were trollers looking for a bite. People like that post the contrary view regardless of what you write hoping for a passionate reaction. The others who post are either the ones who are guilt projecting -as another poster on here eloquently described – or are people who see a difference of opinion as a personal attack on them even if you have never met them. I make a point in my posts of not saying negative things about other posters and emphasising my posts are either my experiences, my opinion or facts I have found in some journal, book etc. but despite depersonalising I still find people who think my opinion is a personal attack on them when I have not even mentioned them let alone met them. Keep doing what you are doing – the world would be a boring place if we all agreed all the time – but it would be nicer if secondary posts could start with “I respect your opinion, my thoughts/experience differ as ……”

        • Thank you Dee, I think you are right – I really hope that people can see I was just writing about MY experiences xxx

  7. I’m so sorry to hear you had that experience. People can be unbelievably ugly, especially online. I’m glad though to hear you’re seeing the funny side now of how ridiculous people are being. To see scams and conspiracy theories in an unpaid blog about an appliance is so stupid it borders on bizarre. Perhaps they work for Big Therma! 😉

    • Big Therma! I LOVE That 🙂 xxxxx

      • Maybe not as silly as it sounds. While indulging my curiosity (read: procrastinating) yesterday, I came across a BRW article that talked about how Thermomix Australia has never done any traditional advertising or product placement. So social media (apparently fb in particular) is its marketing space. It made me wonder whether some of the reaction against you was at best driven by vested interest. At worst, corporately contrived. If so, then I think its particularly important that people do stand up against that sort of crap (but not to the point where your personal well-being begins to suffer).
        Disclaimer: I have no opinion on the Thermomix. None. And even less interest in forming one 🙂

        • Leonie, that is so interesting.

          You cannot believe the emails I have received from people who are scared to talk or gagged by Thermomix. There are some very weird almost “Scientology” like stories coming out.

          I have no doubt that their was some message sent from “on high” sent to the popular Thermomix bloggers to discredit me and my opinion because so many of them had said the exact same thing.

          It’s very interesting and maybe worth following up – but not by me 🙂

  8. Dear Lana, I’m sorry you had to put up with that horrible attack. What? Are we no longer permitted to write what we think? I may have been a bit upset at you if you’d given a scathing review of Chihuahuas, Game of Thrones or Dr Oetker pizza, but to become vicious over a kitchen appliance seems a tad hysterical to me. I didn’t read your initial post (I have now) because I have no interest in anything culinary. I’ve retired from cooking after decades of slaving over the nasty chore. I hate the thought of the ‘thing’ because to me it’s just a glorified blender with lots of fiddly parts to clean. Some people should look at what is worth getting all passionate about and start prioritising (and maybe go and have their blood pressure checked as well).

    • As if I would EVER say anything bad about Chihuahuas. Do you know that my neighbour’s son and his partner decided to breed Chihuahuas but then when the puppies were born they fell too much in love and they now have 9 Chihuahuas xxx

  9. I don’t like Thermomix either – whoop de doo!

  10. I do own a thermomix …..I was one of the people on the receipe blogs who mentioned I don’t love mine either …..why do people have a problem with that? I also would love to know if the Thermomix would be so passionately debated/loved if it wasn’t party plan and was just available from a shop

    • Good point – I have to say the whole group mentality about the thermomix is something I have never witnessed before in any other product ….

  11. Hi Lana,

    I’m so disappointed you had to endure the level of attacks you did for merely voicing an opinion. I like to think that most Australians – a land of quick wit and free speech – valued an honestly voiced thought. To be proven wrong in such a way hurts the heart. For it happen to someone who is respectful and articulate only rubs salt further into the wounds. I can’t say I’ll read you more because of it because you were already firmly on my reading list.

    For what it’s worth I could take or leave the Thermomix. In my PERSONAL OPINION I think It’s overpriced and relies on hype but I do have friends who swear by it. Good for them. But the negativity of response reflects poorly on those unable to accept there will be differing opinions on things in life. And, in this case, it’s reflecting poorly on the product at the centre of it.

    • Thank you for your kind words Anthony. I am still stunned at the fervour around the Thermomix – I guess it’s the reason I called it a cult, it’s like nothing I have ever witnessed before.

  12. I read your article from the news.com.au link and it’s so sad that people want to attack you for it. Instead of helping you with ways to use it for more crunchy food. I have had mine for a few years and I don’t quite know when all the hype about them started. They are a good machine but you still have to cook and clean and get stuff dirty, I was surprised at how many dishes I still use when using it!
    I hope that you can ignore the haters and trolls, those people just give the thermomix a bad name and make it more like a cult, when it isn’t and shouldn’t be, it should just be a great device in the kitchen that may or may not be suited to others. Now there are so many copies it seems like the ‘war’ is getting worse.
    If you want to use a bellini or nutribullet who really cares, I love that people are at least thinking more about what they put in their bodies but that is where it should stop! All the cooking shows have them in the backgrounds but they are just use along with all the other fancy appliances they have.
    Ignore the bad comments, people will forget about it in a few days and there will be something new for them. From the comments it shows 90% of people feel the same as you, there is just a few bad apples, people who are general insecure and need to focus their life on a kitchen appliance!!!
    Stay strong and be happy 🙂

  13. i think this has more to do with spending over $2000 on an appliance which brings its own feelings of submerged guilt and the need to justify that expense to oneself and one’s family or partner. Anyone who unintentionally hits that nerve then gets the backlash.

    You made an honest criticism of something you had bought, but those people who were subconsciously feeling bad about their purchase projected all their guilt on to you because they don’t want to face up to the fact that they may have been sucked in by the marketing hype.

    I’m sure all Thermomix buyers don’t feel this way, and those happy with their purchase and who love their machine and are getting all they asked out of it I’m betting haven’t ranted against you at all.

    I don’t care about it one way or the other, but it’s funny how criticism is poorly received mostly when it hits a nerve in some people.

    • Exactly Ozwitch – it would have had to hit a nerve to get such a strong reaction – something which I had never anticipated at all… I was just writing my opinion on my blog, I am so glad that people are able to see that xx

  14. Like most of the others have said here, I would ignore them. You have the right to your opinion just as they have the right to theirs. What they don’t have the right to do is bully you and falsely accuse you. The best thing with bullies online is not to give them the satisfaction of having their comments in any way acknowledged or justified. I find it funny that some people get so passionate about “things” and it’s like an alien has suddenly appeared in front of them when someone else disagrees. Incidentally I agree with you, I like my food crunchy too but where I differ is there is no way on earth I would “waste” $2000 on a bench top kitchen device – heck that’s almost the same price I paid for my Smeg oven and its a showpiece and darn good. But that said its your money and your kitchen for you to have your way and I am sure there are some people who would disagree with how and what I have in my kitchen (including a cupboard full of rarely used devices I should probably throw away or donate). Keep blogging and being honest about it – the bullying behaviour says far more about them as a person than it does you!

    • Thank you so much Dee! I guess I just fell into that trap of wanting to correct the people who had called me a scammer and a fraud – I wanted to understand how they came to think that way and mostly I wanted them to know the truth – I am just a very ordinary person with a blog and an opinion on a cooking device. xxxxx

  15. I too am ready to move on from Thermogate.

  16. Hi Lana, I’m really sorry you’ve had such a horrible time. People need to get a grip. It is only a kitchen appliance. And, it is a free country, and you are allowed your own opinion! As others have said, I think it says something about those people, not you. Why can’t people just agree to disagree instead of raging spiteful and nasty things online? There are a lot of things I don’t like that others do, and I don’t care! My point is, it’s your life, your blog, your opinion! Have a great day! And don’t stop being who you are!

  17. Matt Maths says

    Why did you delete my post – was it inconvenient?

  18. I’m so sorry this happened to you, some people are just weird. Of all the things that appear on the internet every single day that could make you legitimately angry “I don’t love my thermomix” is hardly worth a blip on the blood pressure monitor.

    You’re under absolutely NO obligation what so ever to try to modulate your titles such that they couldn’t possibly upset even the most delicate of petals. You weren’t rude, you weren’t nasty, you just don’t love the silly thing, and that is 100% your right, and it’s absolutely OK for you to say so! I’ll be putting you on my bloglovin’ list BTW, I think your blog is lovely.

  19. Wow, people love those machines. Well done for building a bridge over all those weirdos!

  20. Hi Lana,

    Just a quickie in support. I know nothing of all this nonsense, but did read a post on MAMAMIA, which had me realise there was some terrible nonsense going down & you were getting personally attacked. Cyber space can get like that, and I to say stay strong & true and, more than ANYTHING:

    I admire you! Awesome, wonderful honesty. Just awesome. The MAMAMIA article said, “Sometimes I wonder if the people who own them just bang on about them as justification for forking out $2000” – and I think it is that in a nutshell.

    So cheers, and awesome to you for being true to your SELF.  Noeleen

    Hope you like my video link, by the way – is a tarot card reading I had in 2013, and reported the results 18 MONTHS LATER! The box said to link a web site, so why not…

    Good luck and continue being wonderfully HONEST~

    • OMG I loved your video. LOVED IT, Watched it with rapt attention and hoping that you are doing well and not deflecting anyone! xxx

  21. Hi…
    I have a Thermomix and a cooking website, but unlike most I put up both Conventional and Thermomix methods of cooking, because I think that everyone deserves to make yummy food easily whether they own a Thermomix or not!
    And a Blog is just that! A blog, you personal opinion, your recipes, your thoughts… If you can’t express them on a blog then what is the point… If people don’t like what you say, then DON”T READ THE BLOG!
    As someone who loves my Thermomix, but doesn’t use it every day, I deeply apologise for all the mean nasty people out there… It just proves that people are people, and owning a Thermomix doesn’t make them any nicer! LOL!
    Keep Blogging!
    Liz xx

    • Thank you Liz – just popped on to your blog and it was like it was meant for me – first two things I saw Massaman Curry Paste (my husband’s favourite) and Thai Green Curry Paste (my favourite)! I’ll be back xxxx

      • LOL, well that is good to know 🙂 At least you can choose to make it how you like! 🙂 I look forward to hearing what you think about my recipes 🙂 Liz xx

  22. Bugger them Lana – I think your post was very funny and for god sakes lighten up people!

  23. Jacqui Wilson says

    “I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.” – Voltaire

    Lana, it always saddens me when people cannot keep their lives in proportion. It is worse when they vilify someone else for their own fears and inadequacies. I am sorry you were their target this time.


  24. I’m a long time reader, but this is my first time commenting. I truly think that the vitriol about that post says so much more about them than it does about you. We are all entitled to our opinions and yours was expressed in a very neutral and respectful way. They are also free to voice a differing opinion, as long as it is done with respect.

    I myself have no opinion either way on the actual Thermomix (it’s not sold here despite Germany being a near neighbour) and I’d never heard of it before. That the product hasn’t lived up to your expectations is a valid subject for discussion and a chance for the people who find it wonderful to give you some tips and recipe links that might help enhance your experience (which some people did). Name calling and abusive attacks on a person’s character or good name is just immature and unnecessarily. I can imagine how hurtful and distressing that must have been.

    I’m quite appalled at some of the behaviour I see online, but then I’m equally appalled at some of what happens offline as well. I think that this all boils down to human nature and mob mentality. The Internet “mob” is not unlike the proverbial peasants with their pitchforks and torches. The only difference is that it’s more accessible now to a lot more people, so things happen faster and bullying behaviour seems more prevalent. The entire world is like a Dark Side really and the internet can sometimes be like a dark, scary coalmine.

    You surely have seen this? It has taken me years to stop arguing with people online (mostly) 😉 I’ll be peacefully tumbling through some sort of clickhole, reading about foxes in Japan and then I’ll emerge onto some sanctimonious blog and feel my fingers twitching. I know then that it’s time to shut the computer and do some gardening instead. I’m glad to have found some of the gems (like you) and I try to ignore the poisonous gas (as best I can). BUT I do still occasionally like to tilt at windmills… 🙂

  25. The internet – or more precisely, social media – seems to have narrowed our world down to some sort of bizzare, eternal highschool playground.

    And ‘news’ organisations favouring social media over actual, genuine journalism seems to give it all credibillity.

  26. Hi Lana it is great that you have managed to ignored those nasty people who disagree with your opinion.

    I felt an urge to stand up for you and hence…


    It is good that you have now moved on… 🙂

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