Apparently people with servants cannot be “proper” mothers

Princess CharlotteI might be sounding like a Royal apologist or even a great lover and admirer of the Royal family soon, it seems I can’t stop writing about them or defending them. I wrote a piece recently for Kidspot in favour of the Duchess of Cambridge before she had her baby and I wrote a rant that I needed to get off my head on my Facebook page the day after she appeared on the steps of the hospital.

Here’s what I said in case you missed it

The Duchess of Cambridge looked stunning when she showed off her baby yesterday. Good on her. She may have had a team of stylists and make up artists and hairdressers behind her but that’s okay. Imagine the pressure of showing your baby to the world. She did it quickly – she got to go home and maybe change into her slippers and tracky pants and be with her babies out of the public eye. Good on her.

Why is there this culture that applauds women in the public eye who look tired and haggard and unable to dress themselves after birth? I know most women DO look like that but there are women who don’t. There are women who look beautiful and serenely happy and made up and glamorous and gorgeous after giving birth and that’s also okay.

I feel like wailing “leave Kate alone” but what I really want to say is can we just stop telling people how we expect them to look and just accept the way that they look?!

Thanks *rant over*

And now I am at it again even though I actually believe the Royal Family is a hideous and out dated institution. I don’t believe that being born or marrying into a family makes you a better person, I don’t believe entitlement should come from being born into the right family at the right time – even though I am such a lucky and entitled person myself. But, I also strongly believe that just because people are born into a certain family (or married into that family) it does not make them evil or greedy, less worthy or open to public derision.
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So Kate has servants, she has people to help her with her baby and her toddler. She has people who style her, do her hair and pick her outfits , they probably soften her shoes before she walks in them. But that doesn’t mean she’s a bad mother. Certainly not any those pointing out the servants again and again and again in blog posts and tweets and Facebook status updates and during somewhat bitter conversations where people feel like it’s okay to completely dismiss the fact that she just birthed a baby whom she clearly loves, just because she has a Royal title, a palace and untold wealth at her feet.

If a woman who works in a job where she leaves her home and baby at the crack of dawn and creeps in after late meetings do we think she is less of a mother? If a mother goes back to work soon after her baby is born and leaves her precious cargo in the perfectly capable hands of a day-care centre or nanny does she deserve public derision? Do we scoff at these women when they have second children and point our fingers at them saying they wont have trouble adjusting because they have help? What gives us the right to judge other people’s living and working arrangements?

The Duchess of Cambridge is no doubt nothing like you or me, but we don’t need to compare ourselves to other people in order not to judge them. I just don’t get the some ridiculous and misguided belief that because she married a Prince she is incapable of worrying for, caring about and loving her baby as any mother would.

She may be the Duchess of Cambridge but she’s also just a mother who’s had a baby and instead of having her playgroup and neighbours watch her every move she’s got the eyes of the world on her.

I’d need a few servants to cope with that.


  1. Well said. I believe that the reason women aren’t treated equally in society is because we don’t treat each other with respect and as equals. Some are so quick to cut down. But what? To make themselves feel better.

  2. If I had a billion dollars (or even a million) I would get an au pair to come every single day to help me. Absolutely 100% without question. It wouldn’t make me a worse mother. It would make me a BETTER one because I’d be quite ecstatically relaxed.
    Money doesn’t make you a crap mother any more than the lack of it makes you a good one. It’s about the LOVE.

  3. Love this Lana. People can be so judgemental on social media – ah, I suppose they are in real life too – and I find it so dispiriting. Kate fell in love with someone who comes with endless royal baggage that she must carry, including appearing on the steps of the hospital far too soon after having a baby. But she obviously loves her husband and her kids. So why tear her down?

  4. I hear you Kerri! If I had her money I would have an au pair too, and while I was organising that, I’d get a cleaner and cook too! We’re all doing the best we can, and hopefully, with love. Personally I wouldn’t want the level of scrutiny that Kate must deal with on a daily basis. I’d be publicly shamed for having snot crusted on the knees of my jeans from my toddler.

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