The real reason they tell you to stay in bed

stay in bedI am writing this post from a pool of mucus. Sorry there is no other way to say it. I have the same hideous, dreaded illness that seems to be taking over Sydney – except I have had it for five days now and I am over it. I wish I was over it in the literal sense – rather I am just over blowing my nose every ten seconds and coughing as soon as I try to lie down. I am also over feeling like my body is walking in concrete and my thoughts are floating around in honey.

I have been to the doctor and he has plied me with drugs, after asking if it was okay if he examined me with a mask on. That’s understandable, the poor man does not want to get ill, but it did make me feel that perhaps I was not presenting my best self at that time.

And I think that’s exactly the problem here. I have been presenting a very poor version of myself over the last few days and this is what it’s led to:

  • A friend of mine, who does not speak very good English took one look at me and said “your face looks very sick”.
  • I walked my dog in my ugg boots and husband’s jacket, hair dirty and face unwashed and unmade up and bumped into one of my son’s school teachers. I am not sure if I had brushed my teeth. Her response to me would suggest that I hadn’t.
  • I suggested to my friend Kerri, possibly in a fever-induced state of incoherence, that we do extend barre classes together. I read that they were a combination of ballet and pilates and thought we would benefit from the exercise and walk away with lean, lithe dancer bodies. I think Kerri is still laughing at me but more importantly I am scared that she will remember this suggestion when I am better.
  • I got stopped to have my bag checked on walking out the pharmacy, not just a “may I look in your bags” but a full “empty the contents of your bag as if you are at the airport” check. I believe this is because I look like a person who would steal pseudoephedrine from behind the counter.
  • I spent half an hour in the biscuit aisle at Woolworths convincing myself that I should eat a box of biscuits because the doctor told me to listen to my body and my body was shouting “EAT BISCUITS!” I reasoned that my pancreas would ignore the sugar at this point in time. I almost sobbed with longing at a packet of arrowroot biscuits. This is not a good look for a grown woman, I mean they weren’t even chocolate coated.
  • I literally hid in the freezer section of the supermarket so that I did not have to bump into someone I knew. I sort of acted like I had been frozen just to get out of saying hello, and it never worked. I just looked really stupid when she came to say hi and I forgot how to make conversation I was so cold.
  • I coughed like such an ill, old man with a phlegm issue at the shopping centre that a lovely, old lady insisted I have a seat and catch my breath. She was about twice my age and double my sprightliness. I was mortified and couldn’t explain that I was worse because I had been sort of hiding in the freezer.
  • I could not find my car in the car park and had to walk around pushing my remote to see which lights came on. When I got to my car I walked straight past it and tried to get into the one next to it (admittedly same colour and make) and nearly cried with frustration when the door would not open.

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And I guess that is the reason my doctor told me to stay in bed. He should probably have warned me against writing blog posts as well


  1. I’ve just started another bout of sickness, about my 4th in 6 weeks, and I’m OVER IT! That and battling a 3yo and work that is due tomorrow, I feel your pain. Wish I could stay in bed. Get well soon x

  2. I’m currently on day #16 of the mega flu. I’ve been signed off work for the week and have spent the last two days doing nothing but laying in bed because even getting up and walking to the kitchen feels like I’ve run a freakin marathon! Oh I lie, I did go to the Drs yesterday and then to the chemist. I was out for about 20 minutes all up, it felt like I’d been walking all day by the time I got home.

    I had a coughing fit in the Dr’s waiting room and again in the Chemist – it’s not pretty. And yup lying down guarantees an instant coughing fit.

    My Dr prescribed me antibiotics [1000mg a day], plenty of fluids and lots of bed rest, I’m happily following instructions because I am SO OVER IT!! This strain likes to linger far too long.

    Hope you feel better soon! x

  3. Oh Lana! (and you were looking for your car in the ‘care park’ (which is nice that it cares for you). When you are in bed, nothing needs to be explained, does it? I hope you feel better soon xx

  4. You poor lovely. Little Larny from House Goes Home has been so sick lately too. You both need to come up to North Queensland where it’s as hot as anything (still wearing short sleeves) for a holiday at my place xxx Get better soon.

  5. Gawd, we’ve all been struck down… although yours sounds particularly vile, you poor thing! I’m impressed that you managed to bash out a post, I’ve made a couple of pathetic attempts and given up after about 10 minutes each time. Maybe tomorrow…

  6. Poor, poor Lana. So sorry for you … and myself. Have been sick since Friday night when I started vomitting … still feel very blerk on day six. Sigh. And my kids have been sick for five out of the last seven weeks. The eldest at home again today, fortunately with her father this time. Sigh again. Get well soon!!!!

    • Your life sounds like a little bit of a nightmare – hopefully this will all change when we run away to live with Pinky Poinker xx

  7. Well that just sounds like hell. You poor mite. Stay in bed and don’t move. It’s best you don’t leave the house right now. Best for everyone I’d say…. 😉

    Get better Lana xxx

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