I can’t be trusted without an adult

I have tried to convince myself (and my son) that when my husband travels for work, it IS actually for work. I mean deep down in my heart I know that it’s not fun and it’s awful to be away from home, stressed, jet lagged and in meetings that go on for hours only to get back to an empty hotel room or worse (in my opinion) dinner with people who you wouldn’t ordinarliy eat dinner with. I know from my own fleeting work related trips that there is no fun element to rushing from airport to office and there’s hardly ever time to do anything else.

But still. It’s hard not to romanticise – business class trips and hotel linen are very enticing. I guess this is my way of justifying the fact that when my husband travels (and he does that a lot) my son and I like to make sure we do something fun and exciting to make up for the fact that we are stuck at home alone.

Given that my husband is in China at the moment it was fitting that we decided to venture out to the Night Noodle Markets last night. To make the outing more fun for Little Pencil and more frightening for me we went by train. Oh to be young enough to think that public transport is a treat.

I feel like I’ve gone to a billion Night Noodle Markets in the past but this was different. First of all I didn’t have my husband who would have complained about the queues, the lack of seating and actual glass from which to drink his whiskey (yes there was a whiskey bar he would have loved) and also this year there seemed to be just so much dessert, er I mean food choices.

Maybe it also felt different because in the past I have always been with other adults and that implies that there is some level of responsibility that needs to be displayed. You know, like having to make adult choices when it comes to food.

I thought I was free of that last night. We had decided we would choose lots of small things from different places and share. It would be a night of decadent etaing like many many nights (and days) in our past.

After walking around and looking at the amazing food on display and making copious verbal notes on where we woudl be returning for dessert I turned to my son and said “stuff it, let’s just eat dessert.” Regular readers may have noticed that I have taken up sugar again.

Seriously there were banana gyozas served with nutella, mini pancakes, waffles on a stick, not to mention one-off ice-creams from Gelato Messina that can’t even be described (faulty memory but trust me they sounded sublime)

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Oh and Black Star Pastry were offering a tasting plate of three of their favourites.


I really didn’t think I wanted to wast valuable stomach space on noodles which I could always eat when other adults were around and watching (and judging) my food choices.

Little Pencil seemed only slightly startled (he’s known me a while) and so we shared a plate of mini pancakes to start. I was excited – we were just beginning. I was mentally preparing for the Black Star tasting plate. And that’s when AFTER ONLY ONE SMALL DESSERT PLATE, my son turned to me and said “I think we should eat something more nutritious and also savoury”.

Who even is this child?

He would be the same child who asked me if he could go and get a drink and he came back with a water.

We ate ramen burgers which were too spicy and he ate some chicken. I swallowed the disappointment of not being able to eat like an indulgent monster because I have a smart son who it seems has taken over from his father in watching that I don’t kill myself with Nutella and ice cream.

Still it was a great night and if you go there PLEASE have a dessert for me.


  1. I have never been to the Noodle markets but how disappointing when the Little Pencil decides to be responsible lol … My particular fav guilty pleasure is a tiny bowl of vanilla ice cream (not even good stuff!) and a scoop of Macobella spread – which is chocolate spread with macadamia pieces it is even better than Nutella! You really need to get yourself a jar!! (We have Sweet William Chocolate spread that is primary school safe, Nutella and Macobella spread in our house and I have hidden the Macobella from everyone!)

    C xoxo

  2. Haha I think Little Pencil is definitely very smart, but where’s the fun in that?! 😉

  3. Please can we go the next time we’re there?

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