The real reason I will never be a fashion blogger

The other day I was having lunch with some friends when they asked me why I was making videos with Kerri. Not why in a mean way, but rather in a “to what end” kind of way.

I stopped to think.

We first kind of decided to make the videos on a whim mainly because we have so many bizarre and hilarious conversations together we thought we should record some. But we never really had an end in mind. We just wanted to have some fun. And laugh with people who take fashion too seriously like in this episode. (That said we would never laugh at other people as much as we laugh at ourselves).
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Have you ever “accidentally” worn the same thing twice? Do you wear “outfits”? Do you notice other people’s clothes? Do you wear the same outfit to school drop off and to work? Do you have advice for Kerri to wear on a first date?

When do you just let things go. Also known as the end of the thermomix wars

It feels like the whole of Australia knows that I have “issues” with my Thermomix given the absolute huge amount of traction my humble little blog gained when I wrote simply that the Thermomix was not everything that I had expected it to be. contacted me to ask me if they could republish it and the next thing I knew I was, for want of a better phrase, going viral.

The post started popping up everywhere and I was hugely impressed and delighted with how many people agreed with me. I wasn’t a leper after all. Many people find that they are not using the Thermomix as much as they thought they would. The comments on my own blog were beautiful, smart and very considered. Even the people who didn’t agree with me.
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“She didn’t want to waste her husband”

Sometimes I pick the nail polish off my nails. It irritates my husband beyond compare and I never understood why – until I witnessed my dear friend Kerri doing it over lunch.

It lead us to talking about it – talking about all sorts of bad habits like nail peeling, nail biting, mindless eating, thumb sucking and eating your dead husband.

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Do you have any bad habits? Any habits of your friends or family that irritate you? Would you eat your deceased husband’s ashes so that you didn’t waste him?


I need to diet so don’t tell me not to. Especially if you’re a size 8

I spend a lot of my time online, I read a lot about body acceptance and self love, I read about diet and nutrition mainly because I am always trying to improve mine. Sadly I have yet to find a diet that advocates eating toast and nutella and drinking sweet, milky tea everyday.

The one thing that I have noticed, perhaps as a broad generalisation, is that most of the people who are spouting the “love your self, you are worthy, drop the diet and learn to love your inner beauty” message are of a certain body type themselves. And, to be honest, I am quite sick and tired of size 8 women telling me how I should feel about my size 12 body.
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The time I got into bed with my best friend

Regular readers (my sisters and husband) will know that I have been a bit chatty instead of writing last week I just jabbered away in front of the  camera.  Well, I’ve done it again and chances are I am going to keep doing it – it’s quite addictive this talking stuff and Kerri and I do a LOT of it.

This time we are talking about a million things – we touch on aging, my hypochnodria, make up routines and dirty linen. Literally.

Have a look
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Do you take your make up off before you get into bed? Honestly?

Completely out of my comfort zone….

I’m not even sure how to preface this one because

  1. I hate appearing on camera
  2. I am better at writing than speaking
  3. I hate the sound of my own voice

You would think someone with that list of hates would never ever dream of chatting with a friend in front of a camera and then broadcasting it on YouTube. [Read more…]