11 things you probably don’t know about me

lana head shotOne of the reasons I love Facebook so much is stalking talking to people that I know from my past. Okay that’s not entirely true – I also like looking through the posts of people I don’t know (stalking) and looking at what people I do know are doing (also stalking).

You can imagine my delight when I was stalking looking through a page of a friend that I used to go to school with and was rewarded with an entire post of things I didn’t know about her. I loved it so much that I liked it.  What I hadn’t understood was that if I liked the post I had to return the favour – so thanks to Tali, here are 11 things you didn’t know about me. [Read more…]

I just can’t tell you how much I hated this woman telling me what to do

dieting. you are wdoing it wrongIt’s safe to say that I am not that good at dealing with authority. I don’t like people telling me what to do, think or believe.

Gosh I must have been a joy to educate. But, luckily for my teachers, and sadly for anyone that tries to converse with me now, I think that I have got worse as I have gotten older.

So why I would pay someone to tell me what to eat defies me. But that is just what I did , yesterday I went to see a dietician, not to lose weight (although that would be a MAJORLY welcome side-effect) but to help me with my bowel which is almost as irritable as my personality.
; [Read more…]