What is the hardest thing you’ve ever had to give up?

There is a reason for my VERY SHORT TEMPER right now, my lack of patience, my urge to scream and possibly smack stuff.

It’s withdrawal – You know that hideously nasty feeling when you have to give up something that you love, something that makes your life seem sweeter, better, easier to handle?

It’s not cigarettes because I am a pro at giving up ciggies, I’ve done it so many times (and for those of you who are worried about my health, don’t worry the last time was very successful), it’s not even drugs (and for those of you who weren’t worrying about me before, I’ve done that one before) and *swigs on a carafe of chilled white wine* it isn’t alcohol.

I am trying to give up diet coke. This is no mean feat, I am a litre a day kind of girl.

And this is how I feel right now


Angry. Irritable. A little bit on the edge.  Not to mention thirsty!

I’ve also had trouble concentrating. Yesterday I went to do the shopping only to found that I had not brought my purse with me, cue embarrassed explaining at the checkout counter. Today I went back to the shopping centre to do three very important things, only problem is that I don’t remember what two of them were.
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I know all the terrible things there are to know about this delicious poisonous brown liquid, I know it’s just chemicals, preservatives and a bit of water. I have read the list of things that it can do – like cleaning toilets and dissolving enamel. It doesn’t put me off because it’s amazing taste and incomparable thirst quenching qualities negates any rational objections.

So why am I doing this to myself?

Because I am a serial stomach ache complainer, my doctor has suggested I try the FODMAPs diet. It’s not a diet per se but a process whereby you eliminate all FODMAPs (a group of carbohydrates named FODMAPs which stands for Fermentable Oligo-saccharides, Disaccharides, Mono-saccharides and Polyols)  and then slowly reintroduce them to see which ones are causing you grief. The sweetener found in diet drinks is a no- no FODMAP wise.

So maybe I am withdrawing from FODMAP’s or maybe I am just dying for a diet coke. Either way I am not very happy right now. The only good thing to come out of it so far is that I have found I enjoy using the word FODMAP – try it and you’ll see what I mean.


What is the hardest thing you have ever had to give up?



  1. Lana, I remember when you gave up sugar….and right now, I am backing away….slowly…. take care, and please arm Mr Pencil and Teen Pencil with this knowledge..oh, they already realise?
    Sorry, again, sorry.

  2. Those FODMAPS sound positively scary, you poor thing. Is there any way you can wean yourself more gradually rather than going cold-turkey? Or substitute Diet Coke with another treat, such as red wine or champagne or brie and cake (all my weaknesses)…But then I guess you might be out of the frying-pan and into the fire 🙂
    I gave up everything when pregnant but it wasn’t due to strength of character, I was just too sick to indulge!

    • This FODMAP thing is very restrictive but it’s only for a couple of weeks – thank the Lord.

      Re the pregnancy thing – I was so excited at the thought of being pregnant and being able to eat and eat and eat but instead I vomited for 7 months! Gah!

  3. Hardest thing I’ve had to give up? Cheese, chocolate, real milk in coffee. I’m lactose intolerant and LOVE everything dairy. It’s a cruel world.

  4. Eeek I had no idea Diet Coke was in the disaccharide group. No wonder I feel crappy. Nooooo … How will I give it up? Now I’m cranky too!

  5. Michelle A says

    Oh Lana, I am so with you. I have tried so many times to give up diet coke. I have not succeeded! It is so hideously addictive. I have quit sugar, and found that much easier than quitting coke. I’m going to try again….. once the carton in the pantry has run out….. maybe…. Ok, I’m not.

    Best of luck!!

    • I know how you feel – I gave up sugar once too and although I had a horrible headache I think I was a nicer person than I am right now 😉

  6. I have been drinking diet Pepsi for a while now and I started to feel depressed. I recently learned that artificial sweeteners can lead to depression! I have stopped my drinkies abruptly!

  7. 2 of My kids & I are on no fodmaps, but I still drink 3 or 4 diet cokes a day with no trouble. Technically you should give up alcohol too sorry to say. I find that I can tolerate diet coke or alcohol but not both. Diet coke is harder to give up!!

    For the kids though we need to be very strict. The Dr said, just decide what is worth the consequences for you.
    Good luck!

    • I’ve given up all drinks except water and black tea. Not even a wine to console me.

      According to my doctor I just need to do the no FODMAPs for 6 weeks and then we start to reintroduce slowly to see what’s causing the issues…

      Hope you are seeing good results for you and your family

  8. Eileen McGregor says

    Change to Pepsi Next. It has a natural sweetener in it and won’t upset your stomach. I cannot drink Pepsi Max or Zero Coke for that same reason. But I alternate between Diet coke and Pepsi Next. I would give up chocolate before I gave up my diet soft drinks!

  9. I don’t drink soft drinks as a rule, but occasionally have a glass of coke when I am out. The hardest thing I have ever given up is coffee! I am coffee intolerant. Breaks my heart every time I smell a really nice cafe latte that someone else is drinking.


  1. […] that are not well absorbed in the small intestine. (I’ve written about trying to give them up myself here).  After they have all been eliminated you slowly bring them back into your diet (under the […]

  2. […] a month or so ago I was feeling very sanctimonious. I had announced to the world that I was giving up Diet Coke. I felt like one of the healthy people as I reveled in my new-found hatred of drinking “black […]

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