True Confession: I have an addiction

diet coke addictionAbout a month or so ago I was feeling very sanctimonious. I had announced to the world that I was giving up Diet Coke. I felt like one of the healthy people as I reveled in my new-found hatred of drinking “black acid”.

As I scrolled through the scores and scores of articles online I felt better and better about my decision to give up. Diet Coke has been linked to a variety of medical problems, everything from weak bones to kidney dysfunction, acid reflux to reproductive disorders. Researchers have compared the effect of the acid in diet drinks to the use of methamphetamine. I have seen Breaking Bad, I don’t want those teeth.

In one study, people who drank diet drinks on a daily basis had a 48% higher risk of heart attack or stroke compared to those who didn’t drink diet drinks. In another, study the diet drinkers had a 67% higher risk of developing diabetes. Several studies even showed that diet drinks may not be “diet” at all and may actually cause weight gain.

There are entire websites dedicated to Diet Coke addiction. Some full of over the top and largely unfounded accusations against the cola companies, some filled with scientific facts that may have been embellished and some that are just forums for addicts.

I feel like I may have browsed through them all during my sanctimonious stage and nodded my head a lot. I knew how bad it was for me and I was quite enjoying the novelty of water. In fact, before last month I am not sure when the last time was that I drank a glass of water.

But my sanctimony soon turned to something far more sinister. Something closer to desperation. I REALLY wanted a Diet Coke more than I can remember wanting anything else before. It wasn’t the caffeine because I was still drinking coffee and I had no noticeable withdrawal side effects. I simply wanted the Diet Coke fizz. I didn’t just want it though, I craved it with every fibre of my being.

Trading one addiction for another, is a well-known concept in addiction medicine. I have given up some far more serious substances in the past. Maybe I had used Diet Coke to get over all of them… it certainly felt that way.

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During this recent period without Diet Coke I have been thinking about smoking a lot. Smoking is a habit I think I may have finally kicked, but last month I started thinking about how I could have a cigarette in the garden without anyone knowing. It would just be my little secret I thought, but I am lazy and the idea of covering up my stench required to much energy besides which I am really, really scared of dying young and that’s what lead me to give up in the first place. Also my husband would be mortified, I would hate to have to lie to him and doubly hate to mortify him.

I’m not going to pretend that Diet Coke is any better for me, I have read all the facts and even some data that presented as fact but was really just designed to scare me. I eat sherbet and Red Skins for goodness sake, it’s not like I haven’t been known to eat a chemical or preservative or two in my life.

I really tried to give up. I drank so much water I actually got reflux from it.

I tried to drink lime and soda but it didn’t give me the right buzz, er I mean fizz.

I tried to imagine I was feeling better without it but even I couldn’t trick myself.

I tried to give up Diet Coke. I failed.


  1. As I was reading your post, Lana, a quote from David Brent from the British ‘The Office’ came to mind: “Sue me!”

    Please relieve yourself of guilt, there are MUCH worse addictions than Diet Coke. Honestly, if one can’t enjoy a few fairly tame addictions on a regular basis (mine are far worse), one might as well shoot oneself!!

    Happy Hanukkah and New Year too 🙂 XX

  2. Everyone has an addiction of some kind… mine’s Chardonnay. Not even the more contemporary Sav Blanc or Pinot something. Just bogan Chardonnay. I’m sure Diet Coke can’t be as bad as that:)

  3. I’m the same, but Coke Zero is my poison of choice… but apart from maybe bacon, I really don’t have any other dietary bad habits…

    And, yes, like you… it’s just as much the fizzy I like as the taste…

    • Coke Zero, Diet Coke – I am not fussy. As long as I get that fizz – nothing else has that fizz especially not sparkling bloody water. I should know, I tried hard enough to pretend 🙂

  4. Hi, my name’s RES and I’m a Diet Coke addict! Couldn’t live without the stuff. Actually prefer Coke Zero but found that because it’s so sweet it left me craving sweet things all day, so went back to Diet Coke.

    Why I love Diet Coke:
    – no calories
    – the fizz
    – the colour
    – the fact that it goes with everything I eat
    – the caffeine hit (I don’t drink coffee or tea so need something to keep me awake at work)

    The only time I don’t drink Diet Coke is from three days before Yom Kippur so that I can get over the caffeine withdrawals and take painkillers to ease the headache. Nothing beats breaking the fast by having some Diet Coke with my dinner!

    At least I don’t smoke, gamble, drink (much) or have any other vices, so if Diet Coke is my only addiction, I can live with it.

    Cheers Lana – the next Coke is on me!

    • Thanks RES.

      I am impressed that you give up three days before Yom Kippur, I would rather sneak a panadol in on the actual day xxxx

  5. Ohhhh … you know what? It would almost be better if you gave up the Diet Coke for smoking again! I used to have a two a day Pepsi Max habit and it took almost a year to get rid of it … and truth be told, every so often I just have to have one because nothing else quite hits the spot. But … for the most part soda, lime and bitters does the job for me when I am craving a low calorie, fizzy ‘something’. I hope you can find a nice new habit (addiction?!) to replace the Diet Coke one because (as you already know) the stuff is awful awful awful.

    (P.S. Is there a specific trigger for wanting a Diet Coke? Any way to avoid that trigger?)

  6. I failed too. I even slipped vodka into it to get through lunch with my parents yesterday. Sadly, on that occasion, it didn’t help. Geez old married couples know how to bicker,

  7. Diet Coke is my addiction too. I love it.
    I’ve never smoked and drink alcohol once a fortnight – if that.
    Diagnosed with MS 2.5 years ago, every man and his dog told me that the aspartame causes MS.
    I even raised it with my Neurologist who immediately dismissed it. Phew.
    “You can create a link between anything and anything if you try hard enough” she said.
    “Brilliant” I said.
    I figure it’s my thing and my addiction of choice could be worse.
    J x
    ps: A good link to the myth of aspartame and MS and Cancer etc..
    pps: Neuro however did say that the link between smoking and cancer is the exception, that’s fact.

    • Thank you Jane – I truly believe that half the “shit” I read about diet coke is not true.And as for the people that are afraid of aspartame – I think they are often the same people who are loathe to vaccinate their kids.

      But I do know the correlation between smoking and cancer is true *opens another 2litre bottle of diet coke*

      Actually the most important thing I want to say to you is you did not cause your MS. Nothing you ate, drank, believed or didn’t believe caused your MS. It’s a horrible disease that you are dealing with like a trooper xxxxxx

  8. I love diet coke. Love it I tell you. I mostly drink caffeine free but the other kind gets me through at work. Every time I give up diet coke I put on weight. Every time. And so I’ve decided to go with what for me is the lesser of two evils. Because I tend to overeat ALL the time, having diet coke is like a sweet filling treat which I can trick myself into believing is a massive chocolate bar. Can’t manage this with water. Having said all this I do also drink at least a litre of water a day. So I say go for it Lana, especially if it stops you from taking up smoking again

    • I’m with you there. I use diet coke as my sweet fix which I can indulge on rather than keep on eating. Just like I used to use a cigarette to signify the end of a meal…. xxxx

  9. You’ve given up far worse. I know you’re very all or nothing, but if you can just cut down a but then you should feel really proud. Moderation. Xxx

  10. I constantly spent my half an hour tto read this website’s articles or reviews everyday
    along with a cup of coffee.


  1. […] drank it anyway because we’re both addicts (you can read about Lana’s addiction by clicking here) and if we can’t get our DC we must settle for the nearest-but-completely-unsatisfactory […]

  2. […] tasting food and I stopped drinking diet coke. You have no idea what a huge step that was for me. Diet coke was my oxygen and I gave it up. I felt like I should be given a ticker tape parade to reward my bravery. But, to […]

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