Did I just win 2013?

holiday 2013I could feel my chest tightening, my pulse quicken. I could sense the pressure squeezing my entire body , tightest around the heart. A very familiar feeling of panic coursed through my veins. But only very briefly because with huge relief I remembered that this was no longer my life.

I was reading my ex-colleague Alana House’s blog this morning as I do every morning simply because I love the way she blogs. Her blog is quick, clever honest and, for me, very relatable. Usually it doesn’t make me feel sick

But this morning she wrote in part

… it did get hairy over Christmas. For me.
I totally under-estimated how much work is involved in keeping a website running without someone as awesome as my sidekick, Kahla.
Sure, I had the divine Jo writing stories and tweeting on the non holidays, and the lovely Elissa and Mary Facebooking on the holidays … but … I still almost had an aneurysm.
I looked particularly wild-eyed when Husband popped his head in the study on Monday morning and asked if I’d like a cup of tea … because I’d just realised I’d published iVillage’s whole day’s Facebook updates at 10am. Every. Single. One.
I still have no idea how.

Just reading that took me back to this exact time in 2012 when I was in Alana’s position but I had no Kahla, or Jo, no Elissa or Mary, just Nicky who was on holidays.

It’s amazing how quickly that memory came flooding back. Something a bit like abject terror tinged with the an intense longing to explain what it was like mixed with huge swathes of very mixed-up emotions. If I let myself go back there I can actually see the editorial calendars I created, I can feel the pressure of running that site and, the bit that hurts the most, I can hear my husband begging me to come back to life.

It got me thinking, like most people do at this time of year, about the year that has just passed. All the water that has flowed under my 2013 bridge to form the me that is entering 2014.

I’m obviously still a bit battle weary from the job that I left very early in the year or why else would I let a post affect me like that? I think it might be because as Chief Minister of Justice I’m aghast that some of my ex colleagues believe I wrote bad things about them after I left (If you’ve got evidence of me talking badly about team Mamamia do let me know). I find it hard to deal with the fact that people believe things that aren’t true, it makes me hang on to stuff when I should let it go. Sometimes I feel like tackling that but then I remember that it makes no difference what other people think, at least that’s what I am trying to learn.

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2013 has been a really good year for me.

I’m working as a freelancer and a consultant and while I still have some way to go to get my confidence level up and pitch those damn stories, I’m getting there. My work life balance, which I didn’t believe could exist, is an art of precision.

I’m healthier. I exercise almost every day which makes me believe I can eat like a pig (okay that’s something I can work on in 2014)

I am a better friend to my friends,

I’m more in tune with myself.

I have reconnected with my husband and son in a way that makes my heart soar every time I think about it – I am the wife and the mother that I want to be.

Now just to learn to read about work stress with a little more balance and I think I win 2013.

How was your year? Did you win with me?  Tell me about it!


  1. Gosh… I’m the first! Shows what what happens when you subscribe by email to a blog! My year was outstanding! Every year of my life has been really. I do think about people who aren’t as lucky as me though. The thing I’m most thankful for is that I no longer care what people think about me. As long as I’m comfortable with the person I am that’s all that matters 🙂

  2. My year was a mixed bag. Started ok, march was good. Sept-early Nov was complete hell and torture. But finally I really won at the end of Nov. Ending on a happy note at least.

  3. I was awed by the brilliant work you did on MM and iVillage. Awed.
    But on a purely selfish note, I am so thrilled to have had more of you this year. And even more thrilled at seeing you soar in your new life.
    Here’s to a great 2014 xxxxxxxxxxx

  4. Sorry I gave you flashbacks. I have NO IDEA how you did it on your own. Now let me just go and deal with my stress insomnia for another night … Love you Lana, see you in 2014 for a Diet Coke (and vodka) …

  5. Lana, I’ve been following you from the bleachers for a long time now and have always admired your honesty and grace. I’m thrilled for you that things have come together in a way that makes you happy.

    This year was ok enough for me. I feel like I’m much in need of managing my stress or perhaps I need to let go of some of the things I’ve got happening. I pick a word to focus on for each year and next year it’s, “peace” which is something I really want to work towards. Hard with two small and one grown up and bee loud boys but I mean that I need to be centred and to let go.

    I hope next year brings you everything you wish for and more. Much love. X

    • Thank you so much for commenting Cat! I love the idea of focusing on peace – letting go is always hard but worth so much for the peace you will gain.

      Hoping 2014 is indeed peaceful, filled with health and very, very happy !

  6. I won 2013 as well. I thought the way I finished up last year was good, but this year is even better.

    I love having control over my stress levels and my destiny and I love that I am so much more present when I am with my family than I was two years ago. Life is good 🙂

    And while I can see how a couple of your posts this year could have been read by others as being critical of MM the website, I have only ever heard you say kind things about the people you worked with xx

    • Funny how when you write something with a particular meaning it’s hard to see the other sides that people may see in your writing, as you can imagine I would have hated to slag MM in any way. Granted I think it’s changed and it’s not quite the website I would read it doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing….but onward and upward .

      I love that you are feeling more in control of your stress and your destiny. Life is never simple but thank god it’s good.

  7. 2013 has been tough for everybody I know. It’s had some wonderful highs and a lot of very low lows. But every single one of us is coming out of this year stronger than we went in. It has been a learning year for me. Learning to cope with things, learning who I can count on, learning to accept things and learning to let go. I’m ready to let go of 2013 and ready to embrace 2014. I hope it’s full of fabulous things for you all. I have high expectations of it. Bring it on!

    • Benita (MissBenben) says

      On the plus side, you had a fabulous holiday up north and got to catch up with this cool chick you met on the internet 🙂 🙂 🙂

    • Ang, I can actually see your strength in your comment. I hope that 2014 brings you and your family so much happiness and many more highs than lows (in fact no lows at all). I love having you here on my blog xxxx

  8. Benita (MissBenben) says

    Hi Lana, glad 2013 was good for you. It was good for me too. We moved from dry, dusty, hot Western Queensland to the beautiful, cool, rainy, cool, mountainous, (did I say cool yet) Atherton Tablelands. I’ve made a lot of lovely new friends and the school here is just gorgeous. I am still a single mamma, but I’ve actually resigned myself to the fact that I won’t partner up again. I’m cool with it. I just can’t fit anyone else into my life right now. My kids are my priority and my sole purpose is to be their mum. Speaking of kids, my lovely princess had a crap 6 months. She had a growth spurt which affects her medication and it took her doctors a looong time to tweak it so it was just right again. She’s brilliant now, a real trouper. We also had some developments with my big boy. After about 3 years of testing and to-ing and fro-ing, his doctor seems to have enough evidence to diagnose him with high functioning autism. So he and I are now on a new little journey – one that will hopefully teach him (and me) how to find his place in a world that, at the moment, he doesn’t seem to fit in. My heart breaks that he has struggled for so long, but I am positive that this will be the start something wonderful for him. And my little Fabulouth is, as always, just Fabulouth. He is the glue that holds our crazy little family together. I’m sure I drive people nuts with his crazy stories and pictures on Facebook.
    So that’s our year. Ups and downs, like everyone, but one of our better years. I am studying part time (or trying to!) and at the end of the school year I applied for – and got – a paid job at the school, in the tuckshop/uniform shop. I am excited about 2014, I can’t wait to see what it has in store for us, and for the first time in a long time I feel proud of the life I’m providing for me and the kids and looking forward to the future.
    Happy new year Y’all !!!

    • Oh Miss Benben I just love your beautiful family and I read every one of your Facebook statuses with genuine interest and high emotion. You have done such an amazing job as a mother, a role model and just an awesome human being. Your kids are very lucky

      I hope that 2014 brings you happiness, health, peace and endless fabulouth laughter


  9. Oh lovely Lana,

    You are an inspiration to many and to hear you’ve won 2013 makes me smile! I may not have won it – far from it – but in many ways I do feel a little stronger. I mean, I hit the shops to escape our 35 degree Brisbane heat today…sans my crutch! I’ve also made some decisions re my work that will (hopefully only in the shorter term) mean less income, but sometimes you’ve just gotta admit when your body isn’t strong enough to continue the work your mind/spirit thinks it still can.

    Anyhoo…a few more hurdles to go but I’ve got a feeling that 2014 just HAS to better than its predecessor. Not just for me but for so very many of my dear friends.

    Don’t stop doing what you do…’cos quite simply, you, your writing, your honesty, and your integrity rock!

    Luv Big Al xx

    • Oh Al, you have had such a hard year this year but you’ve kept on going and you’ve been so amazingly strong throughout it all. I feel like I have got to know you, your gorgeous dog and your amazing family through all your beautiful and profound Facebook updates and it’s been an honour getting to know you all.

      May 2014 bring you MUCH better health, may the best of your 2013 be the worst of your 2014. You will find me here rooting for you every step of the way.


  10. To know you are in a happy place makes my happy place even happier! 🙂

    The things I loved the most about your time with MM was your sense of community, and the generous way you allowed people to contribute to the site, both in terms of submitting posts, and contributing to discussions. I feel your blog has the same sense of community, and you should feel proud of that!

    I’ve been through a similar journey recently where I had to make some difficult decisions and changes to my life, but sometimes you do need to leave things and people behind to find your own happiness…

    I wrote about this as well: http://johnanthonyjames.com/post/71499736151/2013-in-one-word-clarity#.UsB3rvQW2So

    From my post:

    “Of course, that doesn’t mean the things and people I’ve left behind are bad or wrong or second-rate or insignificant or invalid or crap — in fact the opposite is true — some of the things and people I’ve left behind are truly wonderful, and I miss them dearly – but they just weren’t right for me.”

    I think people can find that difficult to understand sometimes…

    • Oh JJ you say the kindest things. For sure the best thing about my time at MM was meeting people like you. I loved the community there and as I have said before, it’s one of the things I miss most about Mamamia.

      I just read and loved your post – we traveled a very similar path this year, let’s continue our journey with courage, peace and even more clarity in 2014

  11. Happy, healthy 2014 to you. Have loved the honesty within your writing.

  12. A lovely post, as always, Lana. Glad you won 2013 – you deserve to – I can tell from your blog posts that you are kind and gracious. 🙂

  13. Lovely to hear Lana and very inspiring. I felt I won 2013, but I am aiming towards a gold medal / world championship 2014. It’s going to be my year.

    All the best for an outstanding 2014 for you.

  14. You’re family are lucky to have you and your son is a by product of your humour and grace.

  15. I hate that spelling error – your family!


  1. […] $160 a fortnight. Hmmmm.) That reads pretty badly I know. But I’ve decided 2014 is my year (The Sharpest Pencil won 2013, lucky thing). I really have. 2014 is going to be about me, me, me. Sort of. Well, more than than […]

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