Putting my stresses in little boxes

Tonight when I barked at my husband for the second time in an hour he sent me this text

little boxes

I realised, when I sent a  tweet saying “I am so tense I am almost choking on tooth powder created from grinding my own teeth”, that he was right. I needed little boxes. Mostly I need the boxes whinge about my day – so here goes

I woke up at 2am. Not the normal waking-up-to-do-a-wee-at-2am-because-I-drank-a-bottle-of-water kind of wake up. But a proper full on I-am-awake wake-up.  I am living in my sister’s house because MY HOUSE IS STILL NOT READY so going to the kitchen to make a cup of tea wasn’t really on. Nor was switching on the light or howling loudly in frustration. So I played on my phone till 4 am, at which stage I fell into the deepest sleep possible making me very angry when my alarm went off at 5:30am.

At 7am my son informed me that I had forgotten to get him cups for his school project. Yes, apparently it was my job to remember and shop for his assignment (which I will need to tell you about in another blog post). So, being the ever-dutiful mother I went to Coles at 7:15 am.

At 7:45 his friend rang the door bell to come and collect him – that little piece of information telling me his friend was coming over had never made its way to me so clearly he wasn’t ready and I had to shuffle the friend, his mum and their dog out of the house because my sister’s family were still asleep.

At 8:10 Little Pencil realised he was going to be late for school so begged me to take him there although my sister lives so close to the school that getting in the car actually takes more time than walking to the school but he was stressed and so I took him. We got there 15 seconds later and he realised he had left all the stuff I had schlepped to get from Coles at the crack of dawn.  I went back to the school.

I tried to do some work. I was probably tetchy and painful and then I wrote a post that included pictures of Little Pencil as a newborn and I cried most of the morning.  Read the post here

At lunch time I had to meet my brother-in-law to take him shopping. Committed readers will know brother-in-law Pencil suffers from schizophrenia so the shopping journey is sometimes a little fraught… not going to say anymore about that. But, when I took him home there was a truck parked outside his place blocking the road. The back door swung open and there were rows and rows of dead pigs hanging on hooks. Picture how you would react if you saw dead people hanging on hooks in the back of a track – that’s how I react to seeing dead animals.
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The truck blocked my way and the driver was aggressive and hideous, as you would be if you drove dead pigs around for a living, and I had to shout at him with my aggressive South African accent to get into his truck and move. No one feels better after shouting at someone. #truestory  I can still see those pigs hanging in the back of the truck. And it fills one of my boxes of anger with deep sadness.

After dropping off my brother-in-law who had told me a lot of stuff that I couldn’t even pretend to understand, I rushed off to the new house to try and do a load of laundry because we are living out of bags and everything is dirty. I have no idea how to use the ridiculously fancy washing machine (which came with the house)  so I pushed a few buttons and hoped for the best. Apparently hoping for the best does not come with a time frame so I had to leave while the washing was still happening.

Went back to my sister’s house, fought with Little Pencil about homework, gave my sister a lift to the city, raced back home to nag Little Pencil to get ready for Tae Kwondo only to realise that his Tae Kwondo uniform was at the new house. Got around the block on the way to get said uniform when Little Pencil realised he had not sent his homework to his dad to print (have I mentioned that we are not living in any form of order?)  We drove back home and then started again.

When we got to the new house I went to retrieve the washing from the machine feeling rather smug that I had got it all done when I opened the door of the machine to the realisation that I had washed my brand new very dark jeans with everything else including Little Pencil’s blue school shirt. Only problem is that the blue school shirt was white when it got thrown into the machine.

Dropped Little Pencil at Tae Kwondo and got bitten by a mosquito IN MY OWN CAR but I soldiered on and raced home to get some work done.

Mr Pencil came home after picking up Little Pencil at 7:30 and suggested we go get some dinner because I had forgotten about that little detail. He sent Little Pencil to shower and change and that’s when I remembered that I had taken ALL of Little Pencil’s clothes to the new house. All of them. Including his pyjamas,

Look it doesn’t get much better after that but I can’t complain much more because I am exhausted and stressed about not having a proper home and I am in terrible pain from gnawing on my own teeth. Tomorrow is another day.

PS I just spotted a cockroach near my bed.


  1. Whilst reading your last blog, I kept believing deep down at each 360 turn, this has to get better…. So grinding you teeth to dust seems perfectly justified, uncomfortable but justified.
    What can I add to make you feel better, is that you will eventually get into your beautiful home and learn how to do your washing with your new fancy, shmanacy washing machine. Host an incredible home warming party that will make the last 3 months seem insignificant.
    It’s a fact! Moving house is one of the top 2 stressful activities one can possible do, I believe the other is buying the house!!!!!
    Of course you could move on average every 2 years to allow the ” unstuck” version of your better self to never appear in one of the top 2 most stressful situations?….. At the end of the day it’s about focussing on the positive.
    At least you lost 5 kilos !!
    Well done!
    Love you x

  2. Lana, I hope that writing is as therapeutic for you as it is for me. Wine helps too, as does buying new lingerie…or buying anything, in fact.

  3. NO, only men can work stuff into boxes and deal with each box. We are made of different stuff…I hear you, I hug you, I cry with you, I love you……am putting house of 16 years on market in 8 weeks. Cannot stop crying…being angry…being excited…being (well, that being thing) and waking early.
    Love, Denyse
    PS there is no answer to this other than that one hauled out by me yesterday when I felt so miserable but I was in a lovely place with my little granddaughter… “this too shall pass”.
    HUGS from across western Syd to eastern Sydney.
    PPS oh, and I am finishing all my Uni and teaching working life of 44 years at same time.
    PPPS and turning 65 and currently completing a centrelink form to get ‘old age pension’ where you need to remember what you ate for breakfast in 1967 and how much you paid.

    Love you xx

  4. I am sending you some virtual hugs Lana because dear GOD you need them!

  5. Oh my love …

    PS Husband sounds fab

  6. Oh darling – feel your pain. Every ounce of it xx

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