Why is the instructor telling us to breathe? Has someone forgotten to breathe?

For about 30 years now I have been thinking about going to yoga. I have given it 30 years thought because I don’t like to rush into things. Okay that’s not true – I just don’t like to rush into yoga. Actually I was a little afraid of it. I thought it would be boring and that I would either fall asleep or walk out because I have the attention span of a tiny little gnat with attention deficit disorder.

But I had to try it, I don’t have another 30 years to think about it. This point was made clear to me when I recently subscribed to Lena Dunham’s new newsletter Lenny and read an article entitled “Why You Should Start Exercising in Your 20’s”.  Trace Anderson, who wrote the article  even said “waiting to exercise later in life, when our metabolism slows down and being fit requires more work, is no longer an option”. Clearly I am in the wrong demographic for this newsletter but still… I  can’t say it didn’t spur me on.

So I grabbed my partner in crime Kerri Sackville (and by “grabbed” I mean bribed and coerced) and off we went to our first yoga class. We chose a magnificent location outside by the ocean in a stunning setting. And by “we chose” I mean I chose a location close to home which happened to be outside and beautiful and frequented by my friend Lisa who looks like she is fit and toned and started exercising in her 20’s.

The class was very small – just four of us and I immediately decided to pretend not to know Kerri. It was the only way I was going to get through the class without laughing and I believe laughing would have been disrespectful to the lovely (and very tranquil) woman who took the class. It wasn’t easy when we nearly fell on each other (although we were considerable distance apart) but I was determined.

I am not very good at keeping my mind clear as was required so I did have a billion thoughts going through my head during the class. Here are just some of them


I don’t know my left from my right

Why is the instructor telling us to breathe? Has someone forgotten to breathe?

It’s hot

I am so glad that this is outdoors and there are no mirrors

I don’t like flies

Is it nearly finished?

Oh My God. What if someone forced me Biggest Loser style to do yoga all day? I would die

What is the time?

I can’t breathe

I can’t do THAT

I am not a pretzel

I am 768

I am hungry

My back is made of heavy metal

I am so glad that this is outdoors and there are no mirrors

Do I have to come back?
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Is the instructor feeling sorry for me?

If I finish this I can go out for breakfast

Is the instructor going to laugh about my lack of stretch?

It’s nearly over

Did I give her the right money?

Oooh it’s nearly time to eat

When will it be over?

I am so glad that this is outdoors and there are no mirrors

Remember when I could touch my toes

Remember when I could bend without creaking

Where is my foot?

When do we get to meditate?

How do you breathe?

I can’t breathe in for 5

There is NO WAY ON EARTH I can breath out for 5

Why is this strange woman falling on me?


The absolute hardest part of the class was at the end when the instructor did the om chant and I had to use every muscle in my body to focus and not glance at Kerri or pack up laughing because I am very mature.

But mostly I was happy that it was outdoors and there were no mirrors.

I’ll be back next week, but in the meantime I will practise the lying down and relaxing into the mat bit. Even though I was really rather good at that part.

Do you do yoga? Can you breathe and exercise at the same time?


  1. I have tried yoga so many times, I have a beautiful naturopath and she & her hubby are both yogis and they have their own studio. I have been there too Steve is so incredibly patient with me and will guide me through everything because even the beginner classes are beginners! Plus it is this type of yoga called flowing so it is kind of like constant movement from one pose to another. I seriously only go for the bit at the end where I get to put my feet up the wall and sleep!

    I never feel relaxed because like you I cannot clear my mind of all those things plus when I used to do it my hubby was working shift work so I had to get a babysitter and then I would have raced out without eating dinner so invariably I would grab crap Maccas on the way home but I had just done yoga so that was ok wasn’t it?! I am seriously uncoordinated and they just flow from one pose to the next meanwhile I stand or sit there going ummmm what the and how will I get my body like that and ouch that is hurting my back, oh kneeling bugger can’t kneel knee caps so sore must have new stress fractures, oh you want me to do what?

    I know lots of people who do it and they are seriously the most chilled out people I know that appear to not have a care in the world. That is so far from me it just feels like I am forcing myself to be something I’m not like a supermodel! I am 5’4 Im near going to even be tall enough (let alone all the other requirements like skinny etc), while I have been flexible in my past it seems to have deserted me at the moment!

    Good for you guys going and getting out there!

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