Chocolate chip cookie goal achieved

I have been trying for a long time to perfect the chocolate chip cookie, yeah I know, lofty goals. Anyway I am happy to admit that I may have indeed got there, that’s the thing with creating achievable goals, you can actually celebrate getting there.

There’s something that feels very nurturing and loving  (other things I aspire to) about making your own baked goods. I like to think that my son will eat them, put on some weight and absorb the love that has gone into them. In reality he takes them to school and gives them to his friends.

Anyway I found a recipe that works well for me (and Teenage Pencil’s friends).  It comes from Matt Preston’s book The Simple Secrets To Cooking Everything Better and, like everything in this book that I’ve cooked (a lot), the recipe is easy to follow and magnificent to eat.

His is actually for choc chip cookie dough (which he says his son wanted as a birthday cake) but I baked mine because my son‘s friends  doesn’t like dough.

Here’s what to use:

125grams unsalted butter

3/4cup soft brown sugar

1 egg

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

2cups self raising flour

150grams white chocolate bits
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150grams mile chocolate bits

Here’s what to do:

Combine the butter and sugar and whisk until pale, light and fluffy.

Whisk in the egg and vanilla extract, when evenly combined stir in the flour and chocolate bits with a wooden spoon.

Now this is the most important part I learned from the clever people on my Facebook page – I took the dough and rolled it up in baking paper and refrigerated it for hours. In fact I made two rolls and froze one for use at a later date.

Working with a log of hardened dough it was easy to cut into discs that were nice and thick and, best of all, kept their shape in the oven.  That’s a big part of the trick I was missing before and making biscuits that totally lost their shape in the oven, and were also paper thin. This log method allowed me nice shape and thickness.

The other night I served them to my son with a wodge of ice-cream in the middle. I took the photo (while it was already melting) and then he broke it up into pieces and stirred it around a bit. He may have tasted a bite. Have I mentioned he’s not a big eater?


The ice cream sandwich (sliding apart)


Not sure what that little bit on the side of the top biscuit is – but I am going with taste and very general shape.

Do you want the weekend off from your kids?

Rachael Finch is making headlines today for comments that she made in Sunday Style magazine.

The Herald Sun reports

On weekends, from Friday afternoon until Sunday morning, the two-and-a-half-year-old stays with Miziner’s mother, Irena. Violet’s great-grandma (Miziner’s grandmother, Elizabeth) is also on hand if the couple need some extra childcare.

“She’s just turned 85, and she walks down to our house and takes Violet for a walk,” Finch tells Sunday Style magazine.

“Every weekend (Violet) goes to Mish’s mum’s house, and we get our weekend to ourselves. I think that’s incredibly healthy for the relationship. And on Sunday, when we pick her up, we have 100 per cent energy back.”

This is not meant to incite hatred or nasty comments towards Rachael Finch in any way because she really doesn’t deserve that. Her weeks and weekends are very different to mine and when she spends time with her daughter doesn’t affect me at all. Plus Violet is surrounded by love and care and who could hope for anything more for their own offspring?

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Mums can be sexy, but sexy doesn’t have to look like a centre fold

I’ve long subscribed to the belief that women over 50 should dress any way they like. After fifty years of dressing and a lifetime of being told how to act, how to dress and how to speak, there comes a time when you should be able to dress in whatever makes you feel comfortable.

But my hard line belief has started to take a bit of a battering lately, and interestingly that coincides with my creep towards 50. It’s not that my body is starting to show its creep – my arms are not quite as taut as they once were, my skin has known many a good summer and my whole frame has known the joy of many meals savoured, and devoured. But quite frankly that’s what a body who’s been around for half a century looks like. That doesn’t worry me.

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The day I decided to burn my diary

I sat up in the middle of the night last night with an urgent desire to go downstairs and rummage in the garage to find an old diary. I didn’t want to look what was inside or be reminded of what I had written, I just wanted to destroy it.

Given that one of my big regrets is burning my teenage diaries in a moody angst fuelled fire (I literally set fire to them), this makes no sense. After all I don’t actively try and create more regrets for myself.

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Omid and the people behind the story

It’s not often you cry in the opening minutes of a meeting. But then it’s not often you get to hear stories that pierce your heart has you sit poised to work out strategy.

Yesterday I sat in the lounge room of one of the amazing women who convene the Sydney Mums 4 Refugees Working Group. It was the first meeting of this group I’d been able to attend and I wasn’t sure what to expect. I knew the women would be “my kind of people”, I knew they’d want the same outcomes as me and I knew they all cared.

What I didn’t know was how much I really didn’t know.

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Dear PR Company…

On any given day I would receive tens of emails (can you tell that I am not exaggerating here – just being honest?). Many of them are from PR companies. Lovely, hard working people who work in public relations and are “just doing their job”.

The problem is that most times doing their jobs is asking bloggers like me to advertise their client’s products to my audience. For free. Or, if I am particularly “lucky” for a free product that I do not want or need. In fact I get offered a lot of baby products. My son is 15. I need non-alcoholic alcohol not teething rings or baby food. [Read more…]

I slept on my own last night. It was tough

It finally happened, last night I slept alone in my bed and it was awful. I watched the entire series of The Katering Show on IView followed by the whole series of When I Get A Minute. When I started thinking of writing in to tell Leigh Sales and Annabel Crabbe I preferred them on podcast I knew I was over tired. But still I couldn’t sleep. I read three chapters of a book I’m not loving and even that didn’t bring sleep. I counted sheep and did the A-Z of boys names and girls names and even attempted car types but I got bored and still didn’t sleep.

My husband is away at least one night a week so sleeping in the bed without him is not the stress. In fact it’s something I quite look forward to, not the sleeping part as much as the cereal for dinner and choosing not to watch any sport on TV part. [Read more…]

Come home or I’ll sue you

The fundamental problem with getting children to appreciate their parents is that by the time kids fully understand everything their mother and father have done for them they are parents themselves. And by that time they are often too busy/exhausted/forgetful to do anything about it.

When we are children we take the loving care of our parents for granted, when we are teens we’re so self involved we just can’t see past ourselves (it’s a developmental thing not just a horrible teenage trait) and when we move out of home the feeling of freedom is so enormous, looking back in a meaningful way to assess all you’ve been given often isn’t even possible.

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Would you want your son singing this song? Joining this group?

Trigger: Hideous misogynist song lyrics

As my son progresses into his teens our talk as parents has moved from issues like extra curricular activities and braces to scary things like alcohol and parties. It’s a reality we have to confront; however much we preach abstinence and think “not my child”, it’s happening. And even though we went through the very same thing when we were teens, now that we are the responsible ones it seems very different. Scarily different.

So when the first drinking episode occurred in my son’s year group at school talk began in earnest about rules we are implementing, punishments we would dole out, fears we have for our kids and you know, general talk about locking them up in soft padded cells with no outside access and no internet till they are 18. Or maybe 21.

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The 8 types of recipe trolls

Quite by chance I have come across a well of unexpected angst in a corner of the web I thought was reserved for foodies or hungry people. This angst, often manifested as anger, It’s literally bubbling away in online recipes. Yes, simple solutions for dinner are the new heartland of irate commenters.

This shouldn’t have been such a big surprise for me, after all I was hated for daring to mention I didn’t love the Thermomix, but I naively thought the anger was coming from the obsessive cult of the kitchen gadget not from everyday cooks. However, in my continued search for dinner inspiration I have begun to look at the comments on online recipes to see if the recipe is going to be as easy to follow as I was lead to believe and that’s where I have found the hangry (when hunger meets anger) commenters.

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