It’s a bit fabulous to be ageless like me

agelessThe other day when I went to the chemist to fill my rather large prescription for the dreaded chest infection I had acquired, the pharmacist asked me if I was on any other medications. As I started to reel off the multiple medications that are currently improving my health and way of life I started to realise that I sounded old. Like proper old.

“I sound like an old woman” I joked to the barely adolescent pharmacist.
“That’s okay” he responded flatly, although I could clearly tell that he was thinking “that’s because you are an old woman”.

I don’t feel old (apart from when I have a chest infection) but when I think about it there are a fair few things that point to me actually being older than I think:

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10 completely non-medical signs that you have a chest infection

chest infectionThis is not the first time this has happened to me: I get sick before I go on holiday. Some would say it’s psychosomatic, to them I would so psychosomatic, shmychosomatic, I feel awful. So awful that I went one step further than Googling my symptoms and actually made an appointment to see my doctor. On my  first visit she  told me I should rest and drink plenty of fluids and on my second visit, when I felt infinitely worse, she made a weird shape with her mouth when she listened to my chest and PATTED ME before prescribing anti-biotics, puffers, nasal sprays and various other goodies. I like to think her patting me was a way of saying “sorry I dismissed your cough on your first visit”.
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This is me – the consummate professional

Allow me to take you for a journey into the world of the professional Sharpest Pencil, the consummate corporate professional who consults to business about important matters like social media, seo practices and getting more readers to your site.

Let’s take yesterday for example. I had a meeting with the Marketing and Communications Manager of a huge media outlet.  Proper huge – like household name kind of huge.  I got myself out of pajamas and into the city right on time for the meeting so everything was going well.
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I cried the whole weekend

Mr pencil and little pencilI had made up my mind that I was not going to cry at my son’s Bar Mitzvah. I was going to be big and strong and ridiculously mature and together and not a drop of water would fall from my eye all weekend.

I figured that I had made great headway into this dry eye territory by exhausting every single tear I had in the lead up to the occasion. Gathering photos to display on the night had taken me right back to the very first days of Little Pencil’s life and I shed a fair few tears about all those memories (where a few means about a hundred litres), I had read my speech aloud, in front of the mirror, in a myriad of accents with tears and without tears so many times I just “knew” that it wouldn’t make me cry, I had watched countless rehearsals of Little Pencil doing his thing and I had hardened myself to the point that if a tear came to the surface I could ice it with thoughts of algebra. A nifty trick you should try.
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This is what a Bar Mitzvah is really all about

Bar Mitzvah practice

This is our 789th practice session for the Synagogue part

Next week is my son’s Bar Mitzvah.

According to Jewish faith Bar Mitzvah happens when a boy comes of age at 13-years-old and is recognised, by Jewish tradition, as having the same rights as a full grown man. A boy who has become Bar Mitzvah is morally and ethically responsible for his decisions and actions.

The term “bar mitzvah” also refers to the religious ceremony that accompanies a boy becoming Bar Mitzvah.  This is basically a religious ceremony at Synagogue where the boy is called to read from the Torah in Hebrew and deliver his learnings –  ie what he has learned from that Torah portion he is reading.

It’s definitely one of the most important days in a Jewish man’s life and possibly one of the most nachas-filled for his parents (nachas is a Yiddish term for pride).

And now that I have been all earnest and politically correct I will tell you a few home truths about what the Bar Mitzvah is also about according to Jewish tradition rather than Jewish faith [Read more…]

Getting rid of my teenage self

eminemI am a particularly sentimental person and now that my son is on the verge of adulthood, well at least according to Jewish tradition, I am almost sprouting sentimentality from my pores.

I’m feeling like on old woman who talks with an aged accent about when her son was just a baby or when, a million years ago, she was just a girl herself who roamed the wilds of Africa, although the wildest place she ever roamed in Africa was the corridors of her high school.
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Did I just win 2013?

holiday 2013I could feel my chest tightening, my pulse quicken. I could sense the pressure squeezing my entire body , tightest around the heart. A very familiar feeling of panic coursed through my veins. But only very briefly because with huge relief I remembered that this was no longer my life.

I was reading my ex-colleague Alana House’s blog this morning as I do every morning simply because I love the way she blogs. Her blog is quick, clever honest and, for me, very relatable. Usually it doesn’t make me feel sick
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True Confession: I have an addiction

diet coke addictionAbout a month or so ago I was feeling very sanctimonious. I had announced to the world that I was giving up Diet Coke. I felt like one of the healthy people as I reveled in my new-found hatred of drinking “black acid”.

As I scrolled through the scores and scores of articles online I felt better and better about my decision to give up. Diet Coke has been linked to a variety of medical problems, everything from weak bones to kidney dysfunction, acid reflux to reproductive disorders. Researchers have compared the effect of the acid in diet drinks to the use of methamphetamine. I have seen Breaking Bad, I don’t want those teeth.
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I hate heat, sand and crowds in no particular order

I am not a beach person. I hate heat, sand and crowds in no particular order.

School holidays in Sydney are a particularly hard time for me because my son loves the beach, in fact he loves the heat, sand and crowds in no particular order.
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The real reason I’m not joining this blogging game

losing memoryI have completely misplaced my memory.

This has come to my attention once again since my friend Kerri Sackville started a little blogging game called #MyFirst. Every Monday she provides a prompt for herself and other bloggers to write about their first experiences in a raft of different subjects. I really want to join in but I can’t because I cant remember anything.
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