14 (fairly valid) reasons not to homeschool

homeschoolingOn the weekend I read a report in the newspaper about homeschooling.  Well I half read it and half covered my eyes to the horror of it.  The article suggested that home-school registrations in Queensland have risen by 234 per cent in the past seven years.  And it is believed that close to 85 per cent of children being taught at home are not registered with the Department of Education

I’m not against the idea of homeschooling per se, I am just anti the idea of me doing the homeschooling. In fact I can think of at least 14 reasons why I could never homeschool my own child. Or any child

  1. One of my dog’s favourite parts of the day is taking Little Pencil to school in the car, he treats 8am like the most exciting time in the entire world and jumps up and down excitedly like a mad cyclone as we leave the house. At 8:03 he is fast asleep in the back of the car. If we homeschooled he would miss that intense three minutes of exercise between 8:00 and 8:03.
  2. By the time I get Little Pencil to school I need a coffee and occasionally a snooze. I also need some silence
  3. I hate homework more than most people.  I think I can say this quite seriously because for some reason I still don’t understand, I get involved in Little Pencil’s homework so have more reason to hate it than most people
  4. I am the least patient person on earth, This may be related to the point above.
  5. If we homeschooled Little Pencil he would have far fewer friends, holidays would be catastrophic because he’d have no one to play with.  Also aren’t holidays for homeschoolers just like term time? You still have to stay at home which is essentially the same place as school
  6. I can’t do math above kindergarten level . In fact I’m not even that great at kindergarten math
  7. I don’t like craft. I especially don’t like craft where children are allowed to do the decorating or the gluing or the writing or any of it
  8. My 13-year old son already thinks he knows everything. How on earth his teacher’s cope with convincing him they know more than he does is a skill that I just don’t have
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  10. I hate mess
  11. I love the fact that Little Pencil has a school uniform so that he doesn’t have to spend hours deciding what to wear. I fear homeschooling would get off to a very late start if he were to decide on his own outfit. Or he would be a nudist
  12. You cannot sit on Facebook and Twitter all day long if you’re supposed to be teaching your child
  13. I don’t like anyone else using my favourite textas
  14. Apparently house cleaning is not on the curriculum so I would feel bad about wasting half of my son’s day

But honestly

14. I would rather run away and join the circus and I HATE circuses

Could you homeschool? Do you have the patience? Can I have some just for homework time PLEASE?

It’s nothing like we think it will be

getting-betterAs you get older the odds are higher, or say they say.  The older your group of friends are the more likely you are to experience not just divorce, but disease in your immediate circle.

A lot of my friends have been through divorces but it’s never really been a big deal to me. Maybe because my own parents divorced when I was a child I never thought of divorce as such an “out there” thing to happen. Except maybe for T and J, friends of ours for whom I was Matron of Honour and Mr Pencil was Best Man and they split 6 weeks after their wedding. That was a bit of a shock.

But disease is another thing altogether. Disease happens to my parent’s contemporaries. Older people.

Until I realise that the people I am thinking about as “older people” are actually people my age. I AM older. I’m not the child anymore and nor are my parents in their 50’s anymore like I picture them in my mind’s eye .

Recently an acquaintance  of ours was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma, but  because we were friendly when Little Pencil was very young and we hardly see them anymore it didn’t seem to close. And maybe it didn’t seem so bad because, although I know it is a cancer, the name didn’t have the dreaded “C word” in it.

But then on the weekend I got an email from a friend of mine. Admittedly I don’t see her as much as I used to (insert very busy and different lives) but in my mind she is my age, her older son is Little Pencil’s age and I remember well when she brought her youngest baby home from the hospital.   She wrote to me that she had just been diagnosed with breast cancer and was having her breast and lymph nodes removed this week.

I touched my breasts in reflex.  I went through my mind searching for symptoms.

Not only was my friend the same age as me (almost, she is actually 4 years older) but we were very much the same in terms of neuroses and paranoia.  Cancer is something we dreaded happening, not something that actually happened. It was the thing we almost joked about when we had a new bout of hypochondriasis.

I stilled my tears as I read her long email which was written so much like she speaks. Nothing was different. EXCEPT SHE HAD CANCER.

The morning of her surgery she sent an email to her friends listing all the things she was grateful for – including her family and the wonder that is first world modern medicine.

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I wish you could all go visit her. She’s beautiful. And brave. And FUNNY!

I asked her what make up she was using these days because she looks about 24 (BB Cream) , she told me about her drainage bag (made by the Girl Guides) and I stood outside when the nurses cleaned her drains.  We chatted about work and ageing and vanity and kids and cancer and how amazing it is that one day after having her breast removed she is off morphine and taking panadol only for the pain.

We spoke about how sometimes the reality of a situation is so much easier to handle than the hideous fantasies that play out in our heads.  How we torture ourselves with our thoughts and we don’t give ourselves credit for our strength.  In her thoughts a breast cancer diagnosis would have spelt death. In reality we were laughing about the fact that she was on Panadol.

She has a long way to go and she knows that – chemotherapy, radiation, adjusting to life without her right breast but she is still beautiful and despite what she may think she is showing tremendous bravery.  And she will get through it.

Maybe growing older brings a perspective we never knew when we were younger.

Maybe getting older allows us to appreciate what we have a little bit more

Maybe writing a letter of gratitude for all that you have instead of all that you want is a gift that comes with age.

Maybe age gives you strength to deal with the reality rather than panic in your mind.

Maybe I still have a lot to learn.

The things no parent should have to see

“I wish I were immortal” my son said to me one day as we walked through the city centre.

Thinking he might have chosen immortality because he wanted to live a long time into the future or because he was really afraid of death I questioned his motivation for eternal life.

“I want to be able to jump off really tall buildings” he explained.

For that he wanted eternal life. TO JUMP OFF BUILDINGS. Because you see, Little Pencil is a thrill seeker.
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Not the type of school letter you normally see

blackboardDear School That My Son Attends

I don’t suppose you have received many love letters before, even on Valentine’s Day Cupid doesn’t shoot many arrows into the heart of a school, so don’t be alarmed. There are just a few things I need to tell you from my heart.  I know it’s quite nerdy, and some would say sycophantic, to write a letter to your school and even though I am a bit of a nerd and I have been known to suck up to the right people from time to time, this letter is born neither from my position as nerd nor from my brown nose. This letter is born from sheer and complete happiness.
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My mind is like a thesaurus for the words “weight loss”

I have so many diets going around my head I’m actually struggling to concentrate.  Seriously my mind is like a thesaurus for the words “weight loss”

I could blame the plethora of magazine covers that I see every time I am standing at the checkout counter paying for the food that is actually causing me to need to diet.

lose weight

It is enough to make your head spin. Should I be doing the super-easy plan to get a flat belly, should I be doing the Monday to Friday diet?  or should I be detoxing?
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Hold me, I tried to go shopping AT A BOUTIQUE

you are obviously in the wrong placeYesterday was a nightmare of a shopping day. Not because I was dealing with Christmas stress (one of the benefits of being Jewish) but because I was dealing with retail assistants. Only they weren’t dealing with me.

Now I am not going to generalize, I’m just going to divide all retail staff into two broad categories. Some of them are lovely and friendly and delightful and, just like every other sector of the universe some of them are hideous. It seems that the bulk of the hideous ones work in boutique style shops.
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In defence of “Boy Power”

I have just watched another “viral” ad aimed at telling girls how awesome they are. Watch it when you have time. It’s clever

If you can’t watch it right now it’s an ad for toy company GoldieBlox, which has developed toys and games to “disrupt the pink aisle and inspire the future generation of female engineers.” Debbie Sterling, the company’s CEO studied engineering and was dismayed by the lack of women in her classes (only 11 percent of the world’s engineers are female).  The ad basically shows some little girls tossing away the idea of princesses and dolls using toys and household items to create a Rube Goldberg machine.

But as I watched it and started humming along to the Beastie Boys melody they used, I started to wonder about the boys. Where is the ad telling boys that they can be hairdressers and nurses and teachers, primary caregivers and personal assistants? Where are the ads displaying boys that aren’t playing sport, video games or watching TV?

Now stick with me here. Don’t think for a second that I am crying about the “poor middle class white boy”, I’m not. I just want you to think about this.

I know that the fight for gender equality is right and fair. I fully support, and am part of, the feminist movement and believe that women should have equal pay, equal access to jobs, equal treatment across the board.

I don’t think little girls should be marketed to as inferior and of course I don’t think they should just be given pink dolls and princess outfits to play with when they are young. Nor only sparkly nail polish and make-up as they get older.

In much the same way I believe little boys shouldn’t be marketed to as if their only interests are building, driving and fighting. I don’t think we should market only blue toys, guns, swords, building equipment and cars to young boys. Nor only video games and sports equipment as they get older.

There is often an outcry when pink hairdryers (for want of a better example) are aimed at girls. Less of an outcry when toy trucks are marketed to boys.

Also, leads to your donssite.com levitra online relationship problems. They typically cause problems in the implantation of the egg and even increase the chances of suffering a miscarriage. canada viagra Truth be told, this herbal generic sildenafil go to these guys levitra on line is known as kamagra jelly while chewable drugs soft tablets. Prospects for the future In the last decade, studies of structural and functional getting viagra in canada imaging using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) thermal imaging system to measure the temperature changes inside the body. Sometimes I worry that we are forgetting to tell our boys how important they are. There is this gender stereotype that we have always had to fight for our rights as women and so, as soon as a daughter is born into the family ,we tell her how far she will go in life, how she doesn’t have to rely on a man, how she should be proud of her vagina.

superman-kidAnd we should continue to reinforce that message. It’s a good one.

But we shouldn’t forget to reinforce strong messages for our boys. That THEY can be anything they want – they can be gentle and kind and emotional and display their feelings. That they don’t HAVE to like sport and violence and drinking games. That they can do anything that girls can do.

And this message gets even more important as our boys enter their teens and grow into the socially accepted steretypes that we normalise through the way teenage boys are displayed in the media.

On the weekend Wendy Tuhoy wrote a column I loved, entitled Do not demonise our boys, she writes:

…there are themes emerging from the latest debate about what is now known as “rape culture” that some parents of boys are finding disturbing, with good reason. The subtext of some of the discussion is that teen boys are such forces of nature as to be potential sexual predators just waiting to happen.

The sense that inside every sweet-faced teenaged boy there is a sex offender waiting to get out is real enough to being discussed among some parents.

…The suggestion that ‘boys are second class now’, even though it arises from the awful crimes in New Zealand and Maryville, Mississippi (where a 14 year-old girl was lured into a basement by older boys, given pure alcohol and raped, along with her 13 year-old friend) makes me angry.
I don’t want my girl growing up feeling threatened by the idea of boys and I don’t want my boys thinking they should fear some potential demon within themselves that they cannot control.

I’m all for Girl Power, but as the mother of a son I’m also keen for him to know that I believe in equality of the sexes. As much as I want him to respect women, to be caring, compassionate, kind and generous, to be happy and fulfilled in all his decisions, I want him to be proud of being a boy, proud to grow into a man. Just as I am proud of the man that he is growing to be.

We don’t have to choose one or the other. Everyone can aspire to be an engineer.

This is what happens when a neurotic 45-year-old goes to school

carnivalYesterday was Little Pencil’s last athletics carnival as a primary school student meaning it was the last athletics carnival I was welcome to attend, meaning that at any future carnivals I will have to go either disguised as a tree or incognito as a stalker-type. For the sake of son’s future mental health I plan to do neither so this was really the last one.

I was quite excited to go to the carnival although I am really not what you call an athletics enthusiast, it was just that this was the first time I was going to attend one of these events where I wasn’t going to be torn. I had NO work commitments, no plans and nothing to stop me from just being there.

I was also going to see some people that I never get to see enough of and I knew there was a canteen. Let’s be honest here – it’s not ALWAYS about the child, it’s often about hot chips.

Being the neurotic type I always over prepare myself for these events – but just not in the way that the other mothers do. Of course, like every mother, I took heaps of food, plenty of hydration and sun protection that would have been effective on the actual sun. But I also prepared mentally because, unlike every other mother, I tend to be over neurotic doubled with a hefty dose of ultra sensitivity. And I find school gatherings stressful.

Crowds of parents are just like crowds of kids and sometimes it can be a little treacherous on the playground for us adults. I am very lucky, I have some gorgeous and wonderful close friends at the school and I count myself very lucky to be part of such an amazing community. But I am also very unlucky because I over analyse and assess the shit out of every interaction I have. Geez I sound like fun to be around.

Maybe it’s just the memory of my own school days that corrupts my enjoyment of any of Little Pencil’s school activities. I am not one of those people that look back at school with thoughts of fun and laughter. More angst and tears.

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I wonder around the school mums from group to group with a big smile on my face and I chat and I laugh and I make other people laugh and when I start to feel like I’m actually grown up and past the shit of the school yard my inner child kicks me in the solar plexus with her Bata Toughies*. I start to unravel my conversations or worry about what I am saying or what the people around me are thinking or if I am being too loud/soft/opinionated/spineless.

It’s worse when I actually leave the place because without the people around me and with the disadvantage of time on my hands I really start to unpick every word and I play back conversations I am not even sure I had. (Yes, I AM sounding more and more like a fun person to hang around, remember NEVER to book accommodation in my head.)

And then it hits me that I don’t have to go back on Monday morning and like waking from a bad dream I jump up thrilled to be 45. Turns out there are advantages to being an old woman – you don’t have to go to school.

How was school for you? Good memories or bad?

*a South African reference maybe one person will understand

I want to be my husband

engaged-couple-holding-handsSometimes I wish I were my husband.

Not the man that goes to work and deals with numbers and figures and things I don’t even understand from early in the morning to late in the evening. Not the man that cares for and worries about his brother, has also been known to be a “little concerned” about the amount his son eats or his dog walks. I’ve already got stressing about everything covered. Many times over.

Rather, I wish I were my husband in conversation.

I wish I had his deeper understanding of relationships, of dealing with the ins and outs of  dialogue. It’s not just because he’s incredibly smart and articulate but it’s the way he responds to exchanges with people that I want to make my own.

Where I hear anger and aggression, he hears passion and ardour. Where I hear whining and whingeing he hears someone that needs to be listened to. Where I worry that people are excluding me or somehow hating me (paranoid people like me do that a lot) he looks beyond the conversation to where it is coming from.

I don’t mean to make him out to be a saint because there’s been many a time I’ve wanted to pull him up when we are in the middle of a group conversation. There’s also been many times I’ve wanted to kick him to encourage him to shut up in company and I wont even mention the eye rolls and exaggerated exasperated sighs because quite frankly, sometimes I do not like listening to him at all.
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But he has something I don’t. He has the ability to cut out the emotion from conversation without being emotionless himself. I am the opposite.

I inject emotion into dialogue that doesn’t have any to start. I tend to take conversations and analyse them until I have worked myself into a state. I look back at each snippet of what I’ve heard so that it no longer matters what the person actually said. In my mind I’ve got have the whole thing worked out, the back story, the reason that tone was used and even what is going to happen next, the problem is that it has nothing to do with the conversation that actually happened – just the part that I took away and moulded in the privacy of my head. I am like a sculptor of other people’s words – I form them into objects that never existed before.

I colour my conversations with my  hang-ups. I  listen with my neurosis and not my ears. I’m so damn sensitive.

So maybe I don’t want to be my husband at all – I just want to learn from him how to let stuff go because he’s really good at that.

Do you analyse your conversations after they’ve happened? Are you an over-sensitive communicator? Or should I be spending more time with you as well? 

10 things that take forever

alarm-clockI have just spent three hours making a salad for dinner tonight. Okay it wasn’t exactly three hours but it certainly felt like it. And it’s not because it was a super sophisticated salad – in fact it is really very basic. And it’s not like I ever had to make the dressing, that was done before (talking of which you should make this dressing – it’s brilliant). It’s just that making a salad seems to take sooo long.

Perhaps it’s the tedium of washing lettuce and chopping vegetables that seems to stretch minutes into hours. Maybe it’s the fact that it’s just part of a boring mid-week meal and I’m not that enthused… But it did get me thinking that there are quite a few things that I commonly do that seem to take forever

  1. Making school lunch – seriously this cannot take more than five minutes if I stretch it so why do I dread it with the some dread that most people hold for taking out the rubbish? School lunch takes me about three days in imagined time
  2. Putting petrol in the car – this is something I’ve been know to put off because it feels like such a waste of time. Getting stuck on the other hand, would be a bigger waste of time. Putting petrol in takes about 2 hours in imagined time.
  3. Finding a parking spot. Even on the busiest day statistics say that you wait for parking an average of 8 minutes, so why does finding a parking spot take over an day in imagined time?
  4. Waiting at the cash register when there are magazines to browse through takes about a second. Waiting to get to the front of the queue so that you can get to the magazines takes over an hour.
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  6. Ever sent a text and wanted or needed a response immediately? No matter who it is or how long it actually takes it feels like about three days.
  7. Getting your hair cut – some people love having their hair scrubbed and rubbed and coiffed and blow dried. Quite frankly I find any activity that requires me to sit in front of the mirror for longer than a nanosecond painful. Having my hair cut takes about eight hours in imagined time. Lets agree never to mention having any sort of colouring done.
  8. Waiting for a tradesman to fix something or something to be delivered to your home actually does take a whole day regardless of what they say. In my experience if they tell you between 9 and 12 they will come at 12:15 unless you rely on that equation and are only home from 11:30, then they will come at 8:45.
  9. Waiting for your child to finish a meal. Seriously how on earth does time stretch while you are watching your child eat a meal that they don’t love? It often surprises me when I finally walk away from the table and glance at my watch expecting it to be after midnight and it is a little after 7pm.
  10. Sitting in the sun. I know that in this day of sun education and melanoma awareness this is not an actual issue but I still remember back to my teenage years when you HAD to have a tan to have any credibility. Lying on my back in the sun for ten minutes would take about a year in imagined time. I always vowed that if I had only one month to live I would spend it lying in the sun thus giving me … well a lot of time (I’m too bad at math to work it out).
  11. Waiting for your nails to dry takes forever. The introduction of gel nails has improved the need to stand with outstretched hands for all your days with immediate drying time however, the time your nails will take to recover from being doused in acetone to remove the stuff will literally be forever.

What every day activities do you do that seem to take forever?