Cate Blanchett and I do not understand the selfie

no selfieAs I approach my 198th year I spend a lot more time wondering why people behave the way they do. I like to think I’m a late blooming quasi-anthropologist whereas, in reality, I’m just becoming more crotchety and intolerant.

I’m fairly chill with the “youth of the today”. I don’t have issue with people younger than me because I can remember what it felt like to want to rebel/be different/take drugs. Plus there is an inherent understanding that their experiences are vastly different to mine and so I cannot expect to get them 100% but I accept them.

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Who are these articles written for? And who is writing them? And why? Just why?

Lord, it must be awful to be famous. To have your life dissected and discussed by every random person with an internet connection or a newspaper. For people who have never met you to have an opinion on aspects of you they’ve never been witness to, to have your hair, makeup, and dress tallied against some imaginary score to decide whether it’s a hit or a miss.

Just today I have read Beyoncé being bagged because she is a vegan and apparently she’s offended “real” vegans or she’s not vegan enough or maybe she’s too vegan; I’ve read that Kate Moss is too old to get drunk on a plane and apparently she’s been very messy for some time and that’s just not okay (although curiously it used to be okay but now it’s not); I’ve seen the magnificent photos of Prince George and Princess Charlotte scorned because the children were “too well dressed” and not messy enough – maybe they should speak to Kate Moss’s people. Miley Cyrus is too raunchy, over-exposed/try-hard on her latest cover and there is plenty to read about Caitlyn Jenner’s post op panic attack because yes, even that’s a story.
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